Bear in mind, the land units on the transport only act on their Turn.
No 1940 Third Edition Plans For Now
Here’s a message which Larry posted on his website yesterday in answer to a question posed a day earlier:
Europe, Pacific, and Global 1940 another edition?
[Question from LyrandisX]:
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:26 pm
Are there any plans to make a third edition of these games? Will the French be given their own sculpts? Any new units to add to the game? Map modifications? Any new powers, like Canada? Get rid of the IPC chart on the board and replace it with the former chart from first edition? China be given it’s own artillery and fighter pieces? Extra scenarios, like a 1941, and 1942 ones, that come with it? New national objectives? Will France have a presence in the Pacific half for Global?
[Answer from Larry]:
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:28 pm
There are no plans for any additional editions of this game at this time.
Hey Cheif Warrent Officer!
Cpl Ski here!Frankly I love this game, and the various versions that be made give the possibility of various diffrent challenges! There’s a few reasons I can think of why he wouldn’t come out with a more advance or version of this game.
For one it has to be cost effective. The mass produce a more challanging game tha will still bring the same nber of people to the game with its wide age group.
All the product development and cost in time spent for developing some diffrent units new maps and the testing to make sure it’s balanced and not rushed out so we don’t have numerous alphas to make it balanced
The difficulty factor the more involved you make a game with more units rules checks and balances the more you limit you audience and harder to sell to same number
While I’m all for a more indept game with diffrent units maps country’s objectives Etc.
I can see it being quite some time before he comes out with a Ultra Deluxe version of the game.
Doesn’t surprise me considering the lack of ambition from Larry’s team to fix the issues with 2nd edition. Ironically they don’t need to manufacture a whole new game, but rather just release an official rule modification document.
Ironically they don’t need to manufacture a whole new game, but rather just release an official rule modification document.
Yes indeed. In fact, when I read the original question from LyrandisX, with the list of features he’d like to see in a third edition, started thinking that something very close to what he was describing could be achieved by anyone who already owns the game. All that’s needed is to combine the game board, the sculpts and the other components of Global 1940 with some additional French Blue sculpts from HBG and with some house rules that are to a person’s liking.
If WotC was ever going to release a 3rd Edition, I feel they’d need to justify it with some map tweaks. Split up Spain and Turkey so they’re two TTs each: powers shouldn’t be able to blitz from Gibraltar to France or Greece to Iraq.
As IL has mentioned adding Atlantic Islands like the Azores and Bermuda would make the Atlantic more interesting too.
You can buy a P40 warhawk and extra artillery for China at
What is the next project that Larry is working on if not tweaking up games like global?
What is the next project that Larry is working on if not tweaking up games like global?
I’d enjoy a game with a Hypotheical Between NATO vs Warsaw Pact and actualy see how it would play out on a globel scale just as indepth how 1940 is perhaps a little more. I see lots of various variables that could make the game Interesting. -
Considering all the 2012 releases, it will more than likely be a few years before we see any more games from the franchise.
Doesn’t surprise me considering the lack of ambition from Larry’s team to fix the issues with 2nd edition. Ironically they don’t need to manufacture a whole new game, but rather just release an official rule modification document.
Sorry for being in the dark on this one, but I’ve been away from the forums for some time. I just barely bought the 2nd edition and have yet to play it. But what exactly are the issues with it? I’ve been spending a lot of time working on setup charts for the 2nd edition.
It would be good to know what I am missing.
There’s absolutly nothing wrong with 2nd edition it’s up todate with the rules and set up just fine. Some people who play on line feel like one side has a little bit more so try place bids to try to make it even but honestly it’s just fine.
Also the only thing I think there really discussing is a game chart that’s not in the rule book. That players can see at all times but that’s up to you.
Personally the game is set up just fine.
Just as a matter of personal taste, I like the first edition map better than the second edition one (even though the second edition has better sculpts). I like the fact that the top of the map board is uncluttered instead of having a tracking chart. And the first edition Pacific map also includes Canadian map roundels, whereas the second edition doesn’t.
Just as a matter of personal taste, I like the first edition map better than the second edition one (even though the second edition has better sculpts). I like the fact that the top of the map board is uncluttered instead of having a tracking chart. And the first edition Pacific map also includes Canadian map roundels, whereas the second edition doesn’t.
Yup I agree infact that’s set up
Just as a matter of personal taste, I like the first edition map better than the second edition one (even though the second edition has better sculpts). I like the fact that the top of the map board is uncluttered instead of having a tracking chart. And the first edition Pacific map also includes Canadian map roundels, whereas the second edition doesn’t.
The one game besides AAGC I don’t have is AAE40.1. I whole-heartedly agree Marc that top tracker isn’t the best feature. It’s even worse when you use the first edition PTO map and line it up with a second edition ETO map (first edition AAE40 games are second-fiddle only to AA50 as far as availability and price) . It works but it’s just not esthetically pleasing. Good thing I’m a such a parts/game hound! I actually really enjoy the grey British units.
I’d enjoy a game with a Hypotheical Between NATO vs Warsaw Pact and actualy see how it would play out on a globel scale just as indepth how 1940 is perhaps a little more. I see lots of various variables that could make the game Interesting.Yes Axis & Allies: Cold War! with helicopters.
I actually really enjoy the grey British units.
Yes, one nice thing about having both editions of P40 is that the grey British-patterned ANZAC units can serve nicely to represent Canada (including Newfoundland on a notional basis) while the grey ANZAC-patterned ANZAC units represent Australia, New Zealand and (notionally) South Africa. I don’t like loose ends, so last weekend I hit upon the happy thought of using (basically just for accounting purposes) the ivory-coloured British infantry units from D-Day to represent Eire, the single Commonwealth Domnion out of six to stay neutral in WWII.
I’d enjoy a game with a Hypotheical Between NATO vs Warsaw Pact and actualy see how it would play out on a globel scale just as indepth how 1940 is perhaps a little more. I see lots of various variables that could make the game Interesting.Yes Axis & Allies: Cold War! with helicopters.
Absolutly also Sam sites that can hit any planes or helicopters +1 space around them etc I think it would be interesting and bring a diffrent twist. Keep the same format of how AAA is but new map some diffrent Units but yeah See how the Cold War would of heated up who would of won etc NATO vs the Warsaw Pact
Cold War would be much harder to develop.
The elephant in the room, nuclear weapons. You had devices ranging in size from 1Kt to 63Mt. You had delivery ranges from 5 miles to 13,000 miles.
Timing: Which Cold War would you play? the one in 1950, where the Warsaw Pact grossly outnumbered NATO conventionally, but NATO had a small bomber delivered nuclear force? The one in 1962, which had enormous amounts of nuclear weapons on both sides, but a more significant advantage to the NATO side on range? The one in 1984, with mutually assured destruction, and a qualitatively superior (but quantitatively inferior) conventional NATO force?
Ultimately, my fear is that which ever side was losing the conventional fight, they’d resort to nuclear weapons very quickly (which is why there never was a World War III between NATO and WP). The most important thing to figure out would be nuclear combat in an A&A Cold War game.
63 Mt your crazy :p largest ever detonated was 56! Which was a scaled down version of 100mt and was air delivered! Crazy right?!
There can be game rules limiting it to round 8 you can use it or just after a nuclear salvo and both sides are limmited to only a few left and have to rebuild.
The only thing tha would limit it is ones imagination right? I’m sure with some time and thought invested it could be Ironed out right?
Or something like how Kamakazies are used in 1940 only a set amount on the table who knows lol
They do have a game called “Superpowers”. The map is almost identical to AA Classic. The game is designed by Rick Medved in Seattle, WA. I have two copies of it and they may still be available. It’s not quite what I have been looking for but If someone the likes of HBG were to buy the license and re-do the sculpts and tweak the rules it could be really cool. Alas, NO HELOS!!!
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