• to really get some payback for pearl harbour and halt japaneese transport this is what u buy
    -2 aircraft carriers
    -1 fighter

    have the 2 AC’s come out next to the BB and the tranny, fly the east US ftr and the hawii ftr to west america so when your 2 AC’s are deployed they are full of ftrs. also move up your destroyer to the mexican ocean.

    Assuming japan took china buy 4 ftrs next turn to replace any lost ftrs cause you will be sending your original ones out against japaneese vessels
    look at it this way sea battles are expensive and people usually say buy subs to take hits but I disagree, for 2 ipcs more you get ftrs which take hits(after the tranny of course unless your transporting something) and they attack better, defend twice as well, and move twice as fast. remember to keep the 1 destroyer alive to defend from subs.


    • 2 Aircraft Carriers
    • 4 Fighters
    • 1 Battleship
    • 1 Destroyer
    • 1 Transport
      and 4 ftrs to replace losses!
      (picture it in your mind to see how mean that is, especially the 2 AC’s)

    after 2 turns you have a force capable of holding up japan for at least 3 turns and now you can focus on germany for the rest of the game. 8)

    hey I thought I would mix it up a little since 90% of people go for germany first, just make sure your UK and russia players are compitent, but hey if they arent in the first place your screwed anyway :-?

  • I doo germany first, I don’t like it.

  • awwwwwww…. dont want to mix it up a little? or is it really that important to go across the little pond first? :(

  • Moderator


    to really get some payback for pearl harbour and halt japaneese transport this is what u buy
    -2 aircraft carriers
    -1 fighter

    have the 2 AC’s come out next to the BB and the tranny, fly the east US ftr and the hawii ftr to west america so when your 2 AC’s are deployed they are full of ftrs. also move up your destroyer to the mexican ocean.

    Assuming japan took china buy 4 ftrs next turn to replace any lost ftrs cause you will be sending your original ones out against japaneese vessels
    look at it this way sea battles are expensive and people usually say buy subs to take hits but I disagree, for 2 ipcs more you get ftrs which take hits(after the tranny of course unless your transporting something) and they attack better, defend twice as well, and move twice as fast. remember to keep the 1 destroyer alive to defend from subs.


    • 2 Aircraft Carriers
    • 4 Fighters
    • 1 Battleship
    • 1 Destroyer
    • 1 Transport
      and 4 ftrs to replace losses!
      (picture it in your mind to see how mean that is, especially the 2 AC’s)

    after 2 turns you have a force capable of holding up japan for at least 3 turns and now you can focus on germany for the rest of the game. 8)

    hey I thought I would mix it up a little since 90% of people go for germany first, just make sure your UK and russia players are compitent, but hey if they arent in the first place your screwed anyway :-?

    out there… it really depends on the varocity of your japanese player('nuff said)…


  • @Commissar_Adam:

    awwwwwww…. dont want to mix it up a little? or is it really that important to go across the little pond first? :(

    Destroying germany first is much better… :P

  • sounds good, but i ususally just buy inf firts trun, fortify my west coast to keep out japs, and than go all out germany.

  • '19 Moderator

    What is 1337? :-?

  • “1337” is h@x0r lingo for “LEET” as in “Elite” :P yup, and h@x0r is lingo for hacker which isn’t necissarilly a bad thing nor does it mean you hack computers :-? .
    see in certain games (online) people call others hackers because they are really good (or well…because they do hack) because it angers these people when they do good or “hack”, the whole culture of it is really quite funny :wink: but if you are good and elite then you my friend are a 1337 h@x0r :P…like me and my 1337 posts


  • in that case, im a hacker at halo. :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If I see the US going for Germany first, as Japan, I’ll work on getting a fleet together to take out the US. You can even do that while you pretend to attack Asia. (After all, what you really need is some land and 8-12 transports. Once you have that, it’s a matter of turns before you can dump 24 infantry into Alaska. More then enough to relieve the Germans before the US can mount a defense.)

    However, perhaps 1 AC and 2 transports would be a wiser use of your money?

  • Here here for the Halo and AAR players! Nothing against you marine but I thought it was hilarious that you didn’t know what 1337 meant; and even more hilarious that you play Halo and didn’t know what 1337 meant. I’m just so used to everyone knowing leetspeak and using it that it was just funny. I hope you understand what I mean. And how about Halo 2? That thing is gonna be, just, so insanely awesome, that it hurts.

    As for buying 2AC and 1ftr……I think that the strategy is headed in the right direction. Anything that is not KGF and wants to have any chance of being a viable strategy has to make use of as many tactics and shorcuts as it can. In this case it’s the fighter’s naval unit efficiency and quick long range punch. I was looking at a KGF strat where the US focuses on cutting off Japan instead of getting to Moscow asap but now I’m not so sure. I do think fighters are the way to go since they give you so much more (for only 2 IPCs more) than the supposed naval infantry unit (the sub), except that they are very susceptible to losing their ACs to Japanese subs (especially those bought en masse); plus, I’m wondering if Japan can’t just ignore the US and go with mainland ICs. I’ve started off two games with this and so far it is working well against competent (and better) play from my opponents.

    And I’ve heard similar talk from other players on the boards. Maybe if the US is dedicated from the get go it can put Japan in a pinch by either taking or forcing Japan to defend the East Indies, Borneo, and Phillipines. The question is how much force the US needs to apply to make the western islands an issue. I haven’t seen enough games where the US is after Japan from the start so that’s something I’m not even going to take a stab at.

  • I think the fleet idea is interesting but unnecessarily. Instead think of moving the remaining battleship and destroyer out of pacific and start building an aircraft carrier or (2), and planes, 3-4 subs, and lots of transports. In 2-3 three turns you can get one of those pieces of papers that has a number with a circle around it, you know the ones that represent the bulk of your fleet? And since Germany can never have anymore of a fleet than three-five subs and a battleship in the mediterranean, with British building its own carrier, battleship, etc. in 1-2 turns. For America, any landing on turn either three or four on algeria is unquestioned, by turn four or five six to seven transports carrying at least six tanks and six infantry lands on algeria. Put fleet next to Algeria accept the transports next to Algeria. Even if Germany wants to bomb with the planes and attack with subs and 1 battleship, it is no match against the (1 or 2) Aircraft carriers with supporting ships. And on turn 5-6, an attack on western france is assured with upward of 8-9 tanks and 10-12 infantry. By that time, Germany is already on the defensive from Britains bombing of IPCs and Russia’s counteroffensive in Norway and Belorussia. Nothing can stop this especially if the British fleet remains near India and the Japanese never meets with the Germany fleet in the Mediterranean. Even then US can decide to go up North instead of Operation Torch, do Operation Overlord from Britain. Still capitulates Germany in the end.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Perhaps a wiser solution would be 1 AC, 2 submarine if you are going for a Pacific battle.

    Your AC with 2 fighters (E. US and W. US) should be more then adequate for a couple rounds to defend some subs.

  • i was goung for the beauty and sheer intimidation of the 2AC 4FTR BB turn one suprise 8)

  • If the German player is a first timer/rookie, I would say go for it. But if you negate the U.S. help in the Europe conflict you may have alot more than just Japan’s navy to worry about.

    Never the less, nice idea! Keep em coming. :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    oh, believe me, I love having ACs…I’ve been known to pull up along shore with 4-6 of them with 2 fighters each.

    We even have a house rule that SS don’t exist, but you can have Super ACs which hold 3 fighters instead of 2. (you can actually fit 3 fighters on the deck too, if you’re careful!) It’s a beautiful site.

    BTW, we also have a house rule that there are no chips. When you run out of pieces you can’t build anymore. smile

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