to really get some payback for pearl harbour and halt japaneese transport this is what u buy
-2 aircraft carriers
-1 fighter
have the 2 AC’s come out next to the BB and the tranny, fly the east US ftr and the hawii ftr to west america so when your 2 AC’s are deployed they are full of ftrs. also move up your destroyer to the mexican ocean.
Assuming japan took china buy 4 ftrs next turn to replace any lost ftrs cause you will be sending your original ones out against japaneese vessels
look at it this way sea battles are expensive and people usually say buy subs to take hits but I disagree, for 2 ipcs more you get ftrs which take hits(after the tranny of course unless your transporting something) and they attack better, defend twice as well, and move twice as fast. remember to keep the 1 destroyer alive to defend from subs.
- 2 Aircraft Carriers
- 4 Fighters
- 1 Battleship
- 1 Destroyer
- 1 Transport
and 4 ftrs to replace losses!
(picture it in your mind to see how mean that is, especially the 2 AC’s)
after 2 turns you have a force capable of holding up japan for at least 3 turns and now you can focus on germany for the rest of the game. 8)
hey I thought I would mix it up a little since 90% of people go for germany first, just make sure your UK and russia players are compitent, but hey if they arent in the first place your screwed anyway :-?