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IPad/FaceTime: UK (Bristol)
I will open by saying I’ve never tried this, so it could be a total washout or it could be brilliant. Or somewhere in the middle.
Basically I love playing A&A Anniv. Ed. but it takes ages. Also my gaming buddies in the NW (where I live) can’t seem to get organised to play. And I cant find anyone in Bristol (where I work 3 days/week). I love the face to face aspect, including discussion, chit chat and gentle ribbing/mocking, which is why I don’t play online. That, and moving figures is way more satisfying.
As it stands, I enjoy playing for the sake of it, and not just to win (I’m ok, but I make some mistakes). So I thought about doing a board set up and, over FaceTime (Skype has too much lag), play someone with the board setup at their end. This would mean replicating all actions on both boards (might be tricky) and would probably need 2 or 3 nights, so being able to leave it set up at both ends is crucial.
Time wise, it would normally be about 7:30pm to 9:30pm (GMT) Tues & Weds, but we can discuss this if necessary.
Anyone brave enough to give it a whirl?
Morning PodfreyGorritt.
I do not think I could spare the time, but I have sent you a PM. -
Got it (thanks). Will be crafting a response tonight or Fri (this week is a bit bonkers!)
This would be crazy, but fun if you have the time.
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