Hi just wondering if there are any Axis and Allies players in Atlantic Canada out there?
Looking for players in the Minneapolis/ twin cities area
Looking for player in Minnesota.
@Duckie you still looking for players in the twin cites area
I would be interested in playing… I live in Woodbury
@vondox I’m an hour east of you in Eau Claire. Haven’t played g36 but proficient at g40. Willing to host or travel. Would love to get a monthly/bi-monthly group going.
@brass-hat The group I play with currently have a lot going on so we don’t always get the chance to play as much as we would like to. We have started playing global 36v3 and I am really excited about the v4 rules that are coming. We also play standard G40 and we play Sireblood’s blood bath rules which is a blast if you like the more standard G40. I guess if you could let me know your email we could get something going.
@vondox My son and I are looking to play, he’s 14 and we live in Blaine. Anyone wants to play, preferably global, let us know.
Good for the two of you!! I have some work & vacation events that are about to kick off here in a few weeks so I am sort of getting ready for that. I have scheduled the weekend of September 24th ( Saturday or that Sunday ) to play the A&A Blood Bath rules. It’s A&A but better. You are welcome to join us that weekend and play if you want.
If that goes well we can schedule a G40 game for October. I have found that G40v3 can take at least 1 weekend for sure perhaps 2. My kids are all out of the house so I can leave the game up.
I am sure both of you will have good fun with Blood Bath…
Tried e-mailing you, were you still planning on playing this weekend?