None of the above will happening, Dogs who bark don´t bite!
And, IF N.-Korea drops the bomb ,then a retaliation like dropping the Bomb back from the U.S. side doesn´t make any sense at all.
S.-Korea is allied with the U.S. ,IF the U.S. retaliate with a Nuclear strike then S.Korea will get a big load of that and China and all near other Neighbors will be then not so amused about it.
Next Step is , The U.S. is kicked out of the Nato because such backstabbing move will not be tolerated.
So Kim yong will show off?? Let Him.
So if North Korea uses a nuke on, say, Seoul/Busan, or Tokyo… No retaliation even conventionally? That’s just giving them a free pass.
No, I don’t think the US would drop dozens of nukes, but a conventional bombing in North Korea may be in order- or even a small nuke in a low population area- that would not have much impact on South Korea or China radiologically, just psychologically.
South Korea may be begging us to take out the rest of North Korea’s nukes. Not sure China would back North Korea if they used a nuke on Tokyo or Seoul/Busan.