Today, the 21st March, in 1556 Archbishop Cramner was burnt at the stake for heresy in Oxford by England’s Catholic monarch, Mary.
Understandably, Mary had no love for Cramner as he had been instrumental in removing her Spanish mother from her father’s throne to replace her with a younger Anne Boleyn( also her step sister and heir’s mother). Cramner had been the perfect minister for Henry VIII, helping sort out a second divorce later on. He also served Mary’s predecessor and half brother, the Protestant Edward VI. Obviously, Cramner could not serve a third, Mary, because one’s religion could not be changed. Or could it?
Cramner, fearing the flames of treason and anti-papal acts of the last twenty years of his life, recanted his Protestantism. It was only when asked to do so in public, that he recanted again and faced Mary’s wrath. And the flames.
He died today in agony, after first thrusting in his right hand, the instrument of his written recantation. He was 66 years old.
Mary did not long outlive him, dying two years later in agony herself, probably of stomach cancer.