@Wittmann Thanks!
First Impressions of Axis & Allies 1914
Two out of the three of us who played last weekend, write up our thoughts on the game:
Cool! Thanks!
Thanks for the quick look into the game and some of your personal views, it goes a long way. I’m really looking forward to these new wrinkles in the mechanics, sounds like they captured the feel of the trenches.
Wow… just wow. Come on CSI!!!
The only thing is… alas tanks seem to have little worth…
I have a few questions-
Did you play with Russian revolution rules? How was it?
Did the UK buy a lot of troops in India? Was Persia taken? Which neutrals were attacked?
How long were there CP units in Africa? How long does the sideshow last?
Did the CPs contest the Med? Atlantic?
Do the CPs have a chance?
Q. Did you play with Russian revolution rules? How was it?
Yes, it did not come up. I tried to foment the Revolution (per the rules) but was unable to.
**Q. Did the UK buy a lot of troops in India? **
A few but not too many, maybe 8 throughout the game.
**Q. Was Persia taken? **
Q. Which neutrals were attacked?
Persia, Afghanistan, Holand, Switzerland
Q. How long were there CP units in Africa? How long does the sideshow last?
About 3 turns.
Q. Did the CPs contest the Med? Atlantic?
Yes and yes. I built a navy with Austria-Hungary and took out the Italian navy but it didn’t do much good. I also built a navy with Germany for the purpose of transporting troops to Northern Europe. I took Finland, Karelia, and Livonia but I burned a lot of money on subs and transports doing it.
Q. Do the CPs have a chance?
I think so. I’ll let you know more on Monday.
How did the game end? Did you guys end up capturing capitals or just ending it?
Thanks djensen!
I was hoping there was a little room for naval combat, I guess it remains to be seen how effective it will be for the CPs.
Why Afghanistan?
You would have to ask Ross and Roland but I think the idea was to funnel troops from India to Russia.
How did the game end? Did you guys end up capturing capitals or just ending it?
We ran out of time. I think the Central Powers were in trouble. I think as the Central Powers you’ll probably have to capture a capital by turn 6 or 7 or be in big trouble.
Confirms three things I’d got a firm impression of before getting the game:
The combat system makes it a very new and involving version of A&A, certainly the best new variation since the original MB version.
Tanks are not worth buying unless:
1. They come down to 5 IPCs
2. They attack on 3/4
3. Each attacking artillery supports 1 infantry AND 1 tank.
That Production chart is unusable. One glance at it is enough to decide that; I’m surprised you didn’t start the game using a chart from another version.
“I tried to foment the Revolution (per the rules) but was unable to.”
Thats not surprising since the RR rules don’t make any sense.
As soon as we heard combat would be for 1 round only I thought this game had a good chance to be something special, it’s good to see my interpretation was confirmed. Hopefully, though, it is cool enough to cancel out the negative aspects once the novelty of the new system wears off.
Funnel brits from india into russia?
What happens to them if there is a revolution? Do they get stuck? -
Confirms three things I’d got a firm impression of before getting the game:
That Production chart is unusable. One glance at it is enough to decide that; I’m surprised you didn’t start the game using a chart from another version.
“I tried to foment the Revolution (per the rules) but was unable to.”
Thats not surprising since the RR rules don’t make any sense.
:? :? When I first read this…I went back to the Rules to see what the Hell were the
Rail Road Rules Flash was talking about :-D -
The chips in two colours does not work, in my opinion.
It is hard to distinguish the number of units under the sculpts. -
The chips in two colours does not work, in my opinion.
It is hard to distinguish the number of units under the sculpts.After two games, it hasn’t been a problem. Even in low light we could distinguish easily. But in a brightly lit area with glare, it can be an issue.
Thank you for your response djensen.
I would have been happy with the old grey and red system, then throw in a colour to represent 10. My friend is 15 years younger than me and thought the similarity annoying and found it hard to distinguish numbers too.
Do you really think we needed a colour for each side?
I can see the fear is with contested territories that if you knock off the sculpt you could forget whose pile is which, but we have probably all done that in the past, yet remembered how they were set up.
If it really was an issue, not a gimmick, perhaps four different colours would have worked better. -
Having a color for each side not only looks cool but it helps you distinguish your units from your opponent’s units. It’s really tight to fit everything into Western Europe.
I was trying not to find faults, but yes, Western Europe is too small considering the action it will see.
We did not get to play as it took an hour to set up and we stsrted late, then we needed to sit down and rest! (Yes Garg, I am an old man.)
Think my friend is very disappointed with lots of things.
He will come round.
I am not sure I will ever get over Italy being on the wrong side.
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