The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires

  • Customizer

    Are the infantry early war, late war or a mix?  My guess is you chose the “most iconic” for each nation, but it’d be nice to have both early and late (steel helmets) types for different units.

    You’ve said there’s an air supremacy phase before general combat; I like the idea but doesn’t that too often lead to a plane vs plane combat where they simply shoot each other out of the sky?

    I yet hope to persuade you that the tanks need to be 4-1 in combat…

    And that Turkey should have no factories, because, er, it had no factories.

    Time enough.

    I appreciate the number of sculpts being made, but is there any scope for extra unit types later, such as observation balloons and reconnaissance planes.

    I’ll pimp a German WWII carrier for the Furious…

  • IL, will there be an entry for this game on BGG? I looked but did not see one.

  • Ok this is a preview of the map, which is not complete ( port names to be added)

  • Customizer

    I hate to be this guy IL, but are you planning on producing sculpts in different colors for individual sale? I’ve been following the “official” WW1 game and I’ve been very excited about it, but I’ve been less than impressed with the variety and quality of the unit sculpts.

    I do, however, like the map and the mechanics Larry Harris came up with, so I’m hoping someone at some point will come up with additional sculpts for it.

    I guess I’ll just wait and see as you release more info, there’s no one saying I can’t buy two WW1 games!  :-D

    Well, besides my wife… :-(

  • Well 8 nations are represented, so yes on the colors.

    Each nation has it’s own sculpt,– 8

    Then they get one of three sculpts representing entrenched infantry–3

    Germany and Austria get Stosstrupen infantry–2

    Also, they get one of three sculpts representing Cavalry–3

    Three fighter sculpts-3

    Three bomber sculpts-3

    Three railway artillery-3

    Three regular artillery-3

    Germany gets Zeppelins-1

    One airship sculpt-1

    three dreadnoughts-3

    three cruisers-3

    three destroyers-3

    three subs-3

    three transports-3

    one sea mine-1

    three tanks-3

    three armored cars-3

    52 unique sculpts in mostly 8 colors

  • I can’t wait for this one Imperious. I am all in. The map looks awesome. Wish there was more of Africa and India but the colours you used are excellent. Map is very pleasing to the eye. Keep up with updates when possible.

  • Actually i made an African map as an expansion module. This will be a download thing after the game comes out.

    Basically Africa is a sideshow. Logistics plays a part in this module. Zeppelins can deliver supplies and players have to roll for upkeep.

  • Ok, I have a few questions regarding the map.

    1. How will the USA come into play, I don’t see any USA tt.

    2. What role will the Convoys have on gameplay?

    3. You have some symbol that looks like oil or gas. Can you tell us a bit about that?

    4. Will the naval ports work the same way they did in AA 1940?

    5. I love the map and the colors are alot better than Larry’s design. Seems like a very fun game and I am looking forward to buying it. I also love the unit sculpts.

    I understand if you can’t answer any of these questions.

  • In a lot of ways this map is superior to A&A 1914. Especially the colors. The red for the Ottomans is so much better then the turquoise. I also like how Bulgaria is controlled by Germany over the Ottomans. More territories to maneuver in too. How large will the map be? Is there some connection with this game and Pegasus Hobbies? Are they making the the pieces? I do like how Larry’s map feels more global though. A few suggestions I would have for the map is maybe consider creating a new image for the forts. I had to really zoom in just to tell what it was. Maybe get rid of one of the US convoys and make it Canadian also. Shouldn’t the Russian capitol be in Petrograd? Spaces like Gallipoli seem way too small. Over all though I really dig it.

  • TripleA '12

    I’d really like to see the map but I can’t access Mediafire! Would it be possile to post a pic of the map here please?

  • Customizer

    No armoured cars?  Or they included under the 3 tank types?

  • yes 3 types of armored cars…forgot that one ( or three)

  • 1. How will the USA come into play, I don’t see any USA tt.

    They appear in the game on turn 8 in Brittany or England. You can’t invade USA but you can cause damage to the convoys

    2. What role will the Convoys have on gameplay?

    Well the British can blockage Germany and the CP can attack the convoy boxes ( kinda like old AAEurope)

    3. You have some symbol that looks like oil or gas. Can you tell us a bit about that?


    4. Will the naval ports work the same way they did in AA 1940?

    no not really, ports do protect against naval attack but not air attacks ( bombers and zeppelins) They do perform repairs but no movement bonus. You notice ships move 4 in this game. They can also be strategically redeployed.

    5. I love the map and the colors are alot better than Larry’s design. Seems like a very fun game and I am looking forward to buying it. I also love the unit sculpts.

    Im a piece junkie too and i would never make a game that didn’t feature tons of sculpts. Cheap is not in my vocabulary.

  • In a lot of ways this map is superior to A&A 1914. Especially the colors. The red for the Ottomans is so much better then the turquoise. I also like how Bulgaria is controlled by Germany over the Ottomans. More territories to maneuver in too. How large will the map be?

    5 feet by 4 feet hardbound map, so it’s huge

    Is there some connection with this game and Pegasus Hobbies? Are they making the the pieces?

    They produced the game

    I do like how Larry’s map feels more global though. A few suggestions I would have for the map is maybe consider creating a new image for the forts. I had to really zoom in just to tell what it was. Maybe get rid of one of the US convoys and make it Canadian also. Shouldn’t the Russian capitol be in Petrograd? Spaces like Gallipoli seem way too small. Over all though I really dig it.

    The Russian capital is St. Pertersburg, not Moscow. Gallipoli is small because it is small. When you have too many pieces you just use one of the numbers and place it in the area, and the pieces go off board with that number ( note the numbered boxes bottom left).

    The fort is based on Verdun at an angle looking above head on. The detail just couldn’t be done ( it was revised a number of times)

  • Very well done map.  Looks very good.

    Am I to guess that because the factories are printed directly on the map that these are the only places teams can produce?

  • yep and they can be damaged but are really also recruitment centers ( not just factories in a strict sense)

  • Cool, thanks for answering my questions IL. The reason I asked about Petrograd was because the Russian Roundel was in Moscow area so that confused me. I love the detail of things like the canal in Germany and all the islands in the Med. What function does that Mideast Operations Box hold? I do like the use of the old style A&A Europe convoy boxes. How are ANZACS and Indian troops handled? No income or troops from Canada for the British Empire? That seems odd.

  • Well as i said before, that map is an old file. In the rules Petrograd is the capital, but the artist put the icon in Moscow.

    What function does that Mideast Operations Box hold? I do like the use of the old style A&A Europe convoy boxes. How are ANZACS and Indian troops handled? No income or troops from Canada for the British Empire? That seems odd.

    Mideast Operations is off map assets for UK. They can mobilize in this box.

    I don’t glorify Canada but the convoy boxes to England’s west are in fact income from Dominions like Canada.

  • Overseas Operations:
        Great Britain may purchase troops representing Anzac and Indian forces to use in operations in the Middle East.  Both areas are considered to have a combined recruiting level of 8.  These troops are placed in the Overseas Operations box. 
        The troops are all considered to be inside, or in route from, India, Australia or New Zealand while inside the box.  On any British move, these troops may be used by moving them from the box into the Red Sea or Persian Gulf.  To do this cost 1 movement point and the requirements of transportation must be met.  Any force that leaves the box must do battle with any enemy force in the sea zone. 
        The box may not be attacked, and has an unlimited storage capacity.  Pieces can return to the box by moving from the Red Sea or Persian Gulf to the box for one additional movement point. In addition, the box also acts as a port, allowing naval strategic moves.

    American mobilization box:
    This box acts like the Overseas Ops box. Moves to and from this box can be made anywhere on the left side of the board and cost an additional movement point.  Likewise it acts as a port, has a build capacity of 12, the box may not be attacked and has an unlimited storage capacity.

  • Customizer

    So how do the forts work?

    I have some forts from Age of Imperialism that would do nicely, but do they need pieces?

    Is it simply a case of forts absorbing a number of hits, with the defender able to rebuild between turns?

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