Again, please pull out the manual before trying to say I’m in error.�
I did.
Fair enough.� Sometimes it doesn’t suffice to read a rule, if it contains game terminology in it you also have to go back and read the exact definitions of those terms.
Regarding Krieghund’s answer, what version of the rules was in place when he gave that reply?� There is nothing in the 2e books that supports the claim that you could move through NW Persia into Persia as part of one move or two moves (for example, a unit moves into NW Persia, then a 2-movement unit moves into Persia).� If he is saying authoritatively that is indeed allowed, then the manuals are incorrect and need revision.
No, I was incorrect and I edited the post about NW Persia. It’s non-friendly neutrals that you can blitz during the combat move.
It doesn’t matter which version of G40 it is, because this rule has remained completely unchanged since the original OOB in the fall of 2010.
For the record, it’s STUPID that you can’t blitz into a friendly neutral on the 2nd move of a blitz. It’s a technicality that exists due to adding neutrals to the A&A mechanics of separating combat and non-combat moves. Since tanks can blitz an enemy territory and then move into a friendly all in the combat movement phase, it creates a bit of a paradox. As you astutely pointed out, a friendly neutral is not “friendly” in the tank blitzing rules. That was my bad, but you can understand the misinterpretation, I’m sure. “Friendly” would seem at first to include “friendly neutral”