@Krieghund Thank you!
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
you cannot fly over them in combat on the turn you attack them, except to attack them. you can, however, fly over any neutral WHICH YOU HAVE ATTACKED THAT TURN in noncom.
You can never fly over a neutral that has never been attacked. (Note that if a power takes control of a neutral, it is no longer neutral)
You can attack a strict neutral and then fly off in a different direction in that non-com move, effectively flying over it.
Example: You can attack Afghanistan for the first time with units that include fighters from Moscow, and those fighters can then continue on to India in non-com. Once Afghanistan has been attacked by anything at all, air from both sides may freely fly over it for the rest of the game. However, other strict neutrals that have not been attacked, say Spain for instance, are still neutral and no one on either side may fly over.
Players really have to keep track of which strict neutrals have been attacked and which have not, for flyover purposes (and landing purposes). The TripleA engine does not take this into account - does not track it for you. Players could use the game notes function to track it.
I remember now. Such a funny rule.
My question is, are the 2nd edition rulebooks that come with the games the complete definitive versions of the rules? I assume that they include all the Alpha +3 stuff that I’ve read about but are there any additional updates or errata for the 2nd edition rules now?
Also see the FAQs.
Great. Thanks again!
One other quick question as I’m making my notes. With Industrial Complexes, Air Bases and Naval Bases, are you limited to the number of markers there are (like with the combat pieces such as planes and tanks etc) or if you run out of IC, AB and NB markers can you just substitute a cardboard piece, or something, if you want to keep building them. I checked the FAQ’s, the rules and did a search and I couldn’t find anything. We haven’t played G40 yet, maybe no one comes close to building that many IC’s or bases….
There is no limit, Napping Soldier. You can build as many as you like, but only one each per territory, of course.
You are not allowed to build naval bases in a territory with no access to a sea zone…
, but only one each per territory, of course.
Yeah, I knew that part (and about the naval bases) but thanks for being thorough guys. :-)
Please help me understand this scenario:
Germany takes moscow and achieves 8 VCs. Russians follow by immediately taking Volgograd, but then Italy takes volg back during that same round. Now it’s Germany’s turn again, does axis achieve the win? Is this considered “controlling any 8 european VCs for a complete round of play”?
I’d appreciate a quick, authoritative reply as I’m in the middle of a game and need to know before continuing.
No…the axis don’t win. They won’t fulfill the vc requirement until Italy’s turn.
Walker is correct - must maintain 8 VC’s throughout a full round of play, in this case Italy to Italy
Guys, thank you for the quick reply! So then the TripleA version of global 1940 2nd ed has implemented it wrong then?
Yes, TripleA unfortunately implements many things wrong.
What else do you know is wrong?
My comprehensive list is here. Most of these are noted in the TripleA game notes now
I would be happy to answer any questions you have after reading this list
This is great. Thank you so much!
Hi guys - question re: Scrambles
SZ 113 is being attacked by amphibious assault. A FTR and Carrier are brought in from UK, and transports carrying amphibious units are landing in Germany. SZ 113 is already occupied by US carrier as well. Germany scrambles 2 TAC from West Germany to defend SZ 113.
Now, do the US ships also participate in the defence against the scramble, or is it just the UK units?
Just the UK units.
Well that’s a dumb rule… So I could have an entire armada sitting off the coast but the scramble only attacks those units from one country? Yet another combined units gap in the rules!