@Midnight_Reaper are u still looking for players, armetta@comcast.net
Kansas City players
Here is a 1941 setup for A&A Global: http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6834
I have it set up on my table right now, and it looks pretty sweet. It’s set up for Barbarossa & Pearl Harbor, which lets you get right into the action.
Looks good to me. Next week?
How about next Wednesday?
Anybody up for a game tomorrow night? I am thinking that AA50 variant looks good. If not tomorrow I think Saturday or Sunday would work for me.
Hello. I have been looking for Axis and Allies Global players in the KC area for quite some time and recently found this site. I have been playing various A&A games for several years. I live outside the city but would be willing to drive to the KC/OP area for a Saturday game. Thanks.
Do you guys still meet up? I just moved to the KC area and would love to meet some fellow gamers.
I’m also looking for A&A players in the KC area. Send me a message if interested in getting together for a game.
I have moved to East Texas but my buddy is always looking. Maofator is his handle on Axis and Allies.org
Hello, I would prefer to use the Triple A Axis and Allies software and play online, instead of the boardgame. I have built a huge 10 vs 10 player map for a diehard like me. I would also prefer to use Teamspeak or Mumble and some kind of headset setup so can talk while playing. Not really interested in playing the board game and I live in south KC area, go chiefs!!
hey just moved to town living in gladstone but a huge fan of a@a would love to find some poeple down sometime
Welcome to the site !
I think @taamvan may have a group in that area. Might be confusing him with someone else too :)
What versions do you like to play ?
You can play online as well, if you can’t find a real game.
Have fun gaming :)