What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • The problem is cultural. The rise of impersonal technological gadgets which surrogate human interactions along with a continual fixation of fantasy movies ( stupid comic book movies since they ran out of ideas like Chucky part 36 or Batman part 597).

    Imagination in making decent movies was replaced with 3D and stupid movies like Battleship and every conceivable bad idea like making comic book movies.

    Idiots can now feel free to dress up like batman of all things and blog about the nonsense on facebook.

    Take away comic con, ban bad movies, and take away the mechanism that promotes people from feeling they can “relive” their fantasy as a villain or hero and you take the weirdos out of the equation.

    It is too much indulgence into nonsense ideas and way of life. Comic books should be sold only to children, not adults.

    You mix guns and comics and you got a MURDERER EVERY TIME.

  • I’m sorry but this whole affair stinks to high heaven, for starters he wasn’t crazy, he didn’t go nuts, his school said he was a brilliant scientist, and he planned this thing for months, the part that worries me, is most typical people who go off the deep end would die by cop or kill themselves before being captured, others would try to escape, but he did none of these, he did his deed then went outside and gave up, and then in the courtroom he looks like he is doped to high heaven and the prosecuters even wondered if he was being medicated, something is wrong with all of this, and mark my words we’ll find out there is a whole lot more to this story.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You’re probably right Scar face. I agree with you.

    How did he dope in prison though? Unless it’s perscribed medication? He was only under lock and key for 48 hours… but that was enough time to clear anything out of his system?

    Unless… it’s the hair dye? :P

    You mix guns and comics and you got a MURDERER EVERY TIME.

    I read comics, own lots of guns, and I showed up to an Axis and Allies convention dress up as a Marine Gunnery Sgt! (The corps owed me a favour).

    But I didn’t blow anyone away when I went to see Batman? So I’m going to have to go with debunking your theory IL. :P

    Well… Maybe I can see a case for Clyde85 -maybe-… but not the rest of us ;)

    That said… all your comments about twitter, facebook, and technological desocialsensitation (Yes I coined my own word) I have to agree with.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’m sorry but this whole affair stinks to high heaven, for starters he wasn’t crazy, he didn’t go nuts, his school said he was a brilliant scientist, and he planned this thing for months, the part that worries me, is most typical people who go off the deep end would die by cop or kill themselves before being captured, others would try to escape, but he did none of these, he did his deed then went outside and gave up, and then in the courtroom he looks like he is doped to high heaven and the prosecuters even wondered if he was being medicated, something is wrong with all of this, and mark my words we’ll find out there is a whole lot more to this story.

    This is not political in any way, but Rush Limbaugh’s analysis on Monday was quite compelling. He surmised that Holmes and others like him do these things, ultimately, for some level of fame. We are growing in a culture where technology and internet media like Facebook and Youtube allow people to share everything about themselves with the world. Young people are obsessed with displaying everything about themselves for the world to see. We live in an age of instant fame for those who are not accomplished in any way. All you have to be is the first one to do something crazy, unusual or shocking and you are recognized worldwide almost instantaneously. He also used the example that Charles Manson, while in jail, is still very famous.

    I think this is a very good explanation for what happened. It is a social commentary, yes, but a fitting one. Most people who do these things are not “crazy”. They are not mentally unstable, do not have a psychlogical disorder or anything like that… Most of them, I think, are bored, tired of being normal and want some increased level of stimulation which will forever alter their life. Holmes didn’t try to kill himself, he seemed to happily surrender to the police and was even rather helpful in explaining that his apartment was booby trapped. Holmes didn’t care about prison, or execution… people recognize him for something now and the rest doesn’t matter to him.

    I don’t agree with Limbaugh when he goes on to insinuate, perhaps sarcastically, that the Batman movie itself is partially to blame for the incident. I agree in the sense that some people are being inspired in a way to live in their own fantasy worlds, or try to capture those elements in their own lives. But the violence and subject matter in the film did not cause this.

    What an absolute scumbag.

  • Maybe he was Cuckoo for Coco Puffs?

    Kids were after his Lucky Charms?

    Was tired of Trix being for kids?

    Mad at Anne Hathaway cutting all here hair?

    Had tickets for Katy Perry, but all they were showing was Batman?

    Didn’t like the way his business cards looked compared to the guy next to him (ode to American Psycho/Bale)…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    You are definetly at high risk for cereal-killing.

    Tucan - Son of Sam?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n-9uq_lyRQ :P

  • @Mallery29:

    Maybe he was Cuckoo for Coco Puffs?
    Kids were after his Lucky Charms?
    Was tired of Trix being for kids?
    Mad at Anne Hathaway cutting all here hair?
    Had tickets for Katy Perry, but all they were showing was Batman?
    Didn’t like the way his business cards looked compared to the guy next to him (ode to American Psycho/Bale)…

    I meant “her” hair…

  • @Gargantua:


    You are definetly at high risk for cereal-killing.

    Tucan - Son of Sam?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n-9uq_lyRQ :P

    James Holmes, Ted Bundy, Manson, Zodiac Killer, BTK, Dahmer have nothing on this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Great vid Mallery.

  • @LHoffman:

    What an absolute scumbag.

    I couldn’t agree with you more that Rush is an absolute scumbag.  I’d like to add that that Holmes guy is an absolute scumbag too.

  • I agree in the sense that some people are being inspired in a way to live in their own fantasy worlds, or try to capture those elements in their own lives. But the violence and subject matter in the film did not cause this.

    Popular Culture is what brought people like that to the fold and inspired them. The film and films like it was are catalyst because they bring the fantasy to life. Consumer technology makes and allows greater non-personal interactions to take place, so people become dehumanized and violence becomes acceptable.

    Consider 1930’s Germany and her film program directed/controlled against the Jews.

  • @LHoffman:

    This is not political in any way, but Rush Limbaugh’s analysis on Monday was quite compelling. He surmised that Holmes and others like him do these things, ultimately, for some level of fame. We are growing in a culture where technology and internet media like Facebook and Youtube allow people to share everything about themselves with the world. Young people are obsessed with displaying everything about themselves for the world to see. We live in an age of instant fame for those who are not accomplished in any way. All you have to be is the first one to do something crazy, unusual or shocking and you are recognized worldwide almost instantaneously. He also used the example that Charles Manson, while in jail, is still very famous.

    I think this is a very good explanation for what happened. It is a social commentary, yes, but a fitting one. Most people who do these things are not “crazy”. They are not mentally unstable, do not have a psychlogical disorder or anything like that… Most of them, I think, are bored, tired of being normal and want some increased level of stimulation which will forever alter their life. Holmes didn’t try to kill himself, he seemed to happily surrender to the police and was even rather helpful in explaining that his apartment was booby trapped. Holmes didn’t care about prison, or execution… people recognize him for something now and the rest doesn’t matter to him.

    but then where is his manifesto, his you tube video or even his facebook page, he left no evidence he was looking to be famous.

  • @Imperious:

    The problem is cultural. The rise of impersonal technological gadgets which surrogate human interactions along with a continual fixation of fantasy movies ( stupid comic book movies since they ran out of ideas like Chucky part 36 or Batman part 597).

    Just as an aside, I went to see Batman part whatever, and I was struck by the number of RERUNS being advertised in the previews.  Total Recall, Ghostbusters, Lord of the Rings, and a bunch of other garbage I can’t remember right now are all coming out in reruns this Fall.  Western civilization is all out of creativity I guess.

    I fell asleep during batman.

  • Western civilization is all out of creativity I guess.


    In the 1980’s movie ideas came from remaking old classic’s.
    In the 1990’s it was a rehash of old TV shows ( Munsters, Adams family, Gilligan’s Island).
    In the 2000’s it was rehashed comic books in 3D meant to dumb down people and operate on the lowest human denominator of intelligence.

  •  Western civilization is all out of creativity I guess.

    Umm….chocolate covered oreos? There is still hope!

  • Customizer

    IL. The reason this stuff comes around is because the KIDS that had all the toys and watched all this stuff are grown up and have disposable income. I thought you were an intelligent guy. I guess not. You remember when Indiana Jones came out and it was hugely popular? That’s because it entertained the kids AND reminded adults of the old serials they used to see in the theaters when THEY were kids. Hollywood has always been cyclical. Batman has been around since 1939 and crosses and recrosses generations.

    This piece of shit is a wack job. Remember when D&D was blamed for kids losing their minds? It wasn’t D&D’s could it was fucked up kids fault

    Comics haven’t been for kids since the early 80’s by the way. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about WWII history, perhaps you should contain your opinions and statement to that area of coversation.

    You sound like a bible thumping Midwest idiot who wants to shove your idea of morality down everyone’s throats.

  • Well what the news does is take the very worst thing that happened in the world that day and plaster it all over the place, because that’s what gets ratings. In a nation of over 300 million people, there will be some mentally unstable ones. Combine that with access to deadly weapons, and you have what we saw. IMO it really has nothing to do with what comic books are read or how modern society is. This guy was really intelligent - a doctorate student. Some people are just messed up and things like this will happen. We never heard about all the billions who didn’t get shot last week.

  • @Imperious:

    Western civilization is all out of creativity I guess.


    In the 1980’s movie ideas came from remaking old classic’s.
    In the 1990’s it was a rehash of old TV shows ( Munsters, Adams family, Gilligan’s Island).
    In the 2000’s it was rehashed comic books in 3D meant to dumb down people and operate on the lowest human denominator of intelligence.

    Very correct. The West was the exporter of ideas for centuries, now we import. Very sad.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    You’re right Kuenstler More people probably died in car accidents in Colorado, on that same day, than the shooting. No word of a lie.

    LOL @ Most Holy… epic post.

    D&D is the devil and melt’s childrens minds with a +1 magic Missle, and a greater spider!

  • The amount of work put into the booby-trapping of his apartment proves a cold calcuation of a horrible plan to hurt people.  This is not the sign of someone who ‘lost it’.  This is a brilliant mind working hard on something for all the wrong reasons.


    We can speculate all you want, that’s all it will ever be.  We may never know why this man planned for months to hurt innocent people.

    There will never be a valid reason for this behavior.  What a coward and a waste of all the gifts that were bestowed upon him.

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