Things that go "bump" in the night.

  • @Yanny:

    Oh, you want to talk Media? The American Media is severely shifted toward Israel. Ever read those little tickers at the bottom of the screen? I don’t see Palestinian death counts there.

    Let me tell you how the Israel media gets all it’s footage from the front lines. First, they get set up with a squad to follow. They do their military thing, the cameras capture it all. However, before the film can be brought to the studio, it must be censored by the Israel military. I’ll let you guess what they censor out.

    And you know something, it’s entirely the US’s fault. We should never of given such an irresponsible state weapons like that. Thats the reason your there. Ak-47s and RPGs can’t stand up against F-16s and tanks. The reasons we got involved in this are those weapons. If we didn’t give them the largest aid package of any country, we wouldn’t have this terrorist problem.

    You talk of anti-semitism. It doesn’t have much to do with Religion. The two opposing groups just happen to be of conflicting religions. If Christrians had done the same thing in the 1940s, the same result would of happened.

    Heres an analogy I once gave my teacher 3 years ago on how I felt. You just came back from a year away from school (don’t ask me where you were). You look for a place to sit down for lunch. Your usual table has been taken over by a group of people you hate. But you still want that seat. Do you get your seat back? Israel pushed Palestine out of the seat so it could get back in.

    of course it could be argued that those “bullies” had just recovered from having the s**t kicked out of them by other bullies and they themselves were just returning to their “rightful place”.
    This is too complicated to try to make it seem so simple. We try to look at both the large (historical) and small (terrorist attacks and retaliations etc.) and make one guy the bad guy and the other the not-so-bad guy. The approaches to discussing the issues are often far too simple.

  • What I really find stupid is with the Israelis of the 1940s (now is a different matter). They thought they had a right to the land purely because they ansestors 2000 years ago lived there.

    Now, its different. Now you have a right to be there. But you don’t have the right to act like a King over his people.

  • @dabaron:

    Hmm, no one seems to have commented on the link I posted.

    I did read it, actually. I don’t know what to make of it either. It sounds a little made up/the remnants of a bad acid trip, but if its true, it’s quite interesting.
    Oh yeah, and you have to be prepared to watch your topix get sidelined (one of mine was actually locked through no fault of mine :) )

  • I locked one of your topics? Which one? bad memory

  • @Yanny:

    Oh, you want to talk Media? The American Media is severely shifted toward Israel. Ever read those little tickers at the bottom of the screen? I don’t see Palestinian death counts there.

    Let me tell you how the Israel media gets all it’s footage from the front lines. First, they get set up with a squad to follow. They do their military thing, the cameras capture it all. However, before the film can be brought to the studio, it must be censored by the Israel military. I’ll let you guess what they censor out.

    And you know something, it’s entirely the US’s fault. We should never of given such an irresponsible state weapons like that. Thats the reason your there. Ak-47s and RPGs can’t stand up against F-16s and tanks. The reasons we got involved in this are those weapons. If we didn’t give them the largest aid package of any country, we wouldn’t have this terrorist problem.

    You talk of anti-semitism. It doesn’t have much to do with Religion. The two opposing groups just happen to be of conflicting religions. If Christrians had done the same thing in the 1940s, the same result would of happened.

    Heres an analogy I once gave my teacher 3 years ago on how I felt. You just came back from a year away from school (don’t ask me where you were). You look for a place to sit down for lunch. Your usual table has been taken over by a group of people you hate. But you still want that seat. Do you get your seat back? Israel pushed Palestine out of the seat so it could get back in.

    I didn’t want to do this. But it’s time I do. Time to bring out the big book of quotations, and Yanny, you won’t be so happy.

    Firstly, there was always a continuous Jewish presence in the land of Israel, not the mass immigration you make it out to be. The Arabs living there knew that there were JEws living there, particularly in Jerusalem, that’s East Jerusalem. The Jews living there were oppressed people by the Arabs living there (Dhimmis).

    “His right derived from time immorial in his family, to enter Jewish houses, and take toll or contributions at any time without gviing account.”
    -British consul, 1858

    Secondly, Israel has always been the Jewish spiritual centre. I won’t bother quoting the Bible, but enjoy these two quotations.

    “If I forget thee, Jerusalem, may my right hand lose its cunning” (Psalm 137)

    “Ten measures of beauty were given to the world, nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by all the rest” (Talmud, Kiddushin)

    Thirdly, Palestine was never an Arab nation, despite these new claims by the Palestinians. The people living in Mandate Palestine referred to themselves as Palestinian Jews or Palestinian Arabs but did not consider Palestine a nationality.

    “There is no such country, ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria.”
    -Arab leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, in a meeting with the British Peel Commission, 1937.

    The Palestinians never complained or requested independence from Jordan or Egypt, when their lives were worse off than today. The Palestinian people are the Arabs’ new weapon against Israel.

    “Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a NEW tool in the continuing battle against Israel…”

    -Zuheir Muhsin, PLO Military Department head and member of the PLO Executive Council, March 1977.

    By the way, this mass JEwish immigration you speak of never happened. Through out the British control over the land, the British issued white papers that limited Jewish immigration. THe Arab immigration exceeded Jewish immigration throughout the period. This quote comes straight from your home, Yanny.

    “Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during this whole period…”

    -President Roosevelt, 1939.

    Next, the Arabs invaded Israel on the day after it was created before there was a refugee issue to complain of. Their goal was another Holocaust.

    “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades”

    -General Azzam Pasha, Arab League Secretary, 1948.

    “I declare a holy war, my Moslem borthers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”

    -Haj Amin Al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 1948.

    By the way, the Jews never fought pure offensive combat in the wars, especially in the War of Independence. Israel only retaliated against hte Arabs for attacks against Jews.

    “The Jews haven’t attacked any Arab village, unless attacked first.”

    -Ismayil Safwat, Commander of Palestinian Operations, March, 1948.

    The Jews also never kicked out the Palestinians. The Arabs in the Arab countries called upon them to leave so that they could make room for invading Arab armies.

    “We brought destruction upon the [Palestinian] refugees, by calling on them to leave their homes.”

    -Khaled al-Azam, Syrian Prime Minister in 1949 (memoirs, 1973)

    Another important thing to remember is that ISrael was willing to negotiate and return all the captured lands after the Six Day War. But the Arabs refused. This was the first time in history that the victor of a war offered the loser a peaceful settlement to the conflict and the loser decided to keep on fighting.

    “No peace, no negotiations, no recognition”

    -Official joint Arab response to negotiations in the Khartoum Conference, August 1, 1967

    The real cause of the violence is the basic refusal of any non-Arab, non-Muslim country in the Middle East by the Arabs.

    “peace with Israek is permissible only on condition that it is a temporary peace, until the Moslems build up the [military] strength needed to expel the Jews.”

    -Sheikh Abdel Aziz Bin-Baz, Islamic Mufti of Saudi Arabia, 1995.

    “The Oslo Accords were a Trojan horse; the strategic goal is the liberation of Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea”

    -Faysal Al-Husseini, Palestinian Authority Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, in Al-Arabi daily newspaper (Egypt), June 24, 2001.

    I haven’t even gotten started aobut thigns such as East Jerusalem, but I cna keep on going if you like. By the way, about your whole arguement about ISraeli media, don’t make me laugh. I know people who work in the Israeli media and my parents served in the IDF. They know how it works.

    About your idea of anti-semitism, Anti-Semitism means hate agaisnt the JEws. I can explain to you exactly what its roots are if you like, but it means hatred against Jews. which involved the Jewish religion.

    Here’s the real analogy for you. Your school has very few people who attend it. It is very dirty and not taken care of (like Israel was before the Jewish immigration). You know of a strange group of people who are very few in number but that you hate and have hated for years. You attack them frequently. More of your students enter the school than of them. Suddenly, they are allowed to come in and you do nothing about it. They buy parts of the school from the school board (the Ottoman Turks) until the school is bought out (by the British). You still live there when a rivalry begins between your school and 5 other ones. The 5 schools call upon you and your schoolmates to leave your school and join there’s so that they cna come in and mess yours up and kick out these new people, who used to be a minority in your school. They come in and fail and after 30 years of being the lowest of the lowest in the 5 other schools, your are brought back to the former school, where you try and take back what you left behind, and in some cases gave to the former minority. You left the seats in the school to tohers, and now you want them back and are willing to go to any extent to get them. You abandoned them out of your own free will, how can yo udeserve to keep the seats?

  • @Yanny:

    I locked one of your topics? Which one? bad memory

    the Happy birthday america" thread.
    it degenerated after F_alk said that he didn’t care.

  • The term “Palestine” was invented by the Romans as a means to dishonor the Jews, because they hated them. They wanted to file the Jews and the Arabs together in a land called “Palestine” instead of Israel. So really, the “Palestinians” are just Jordanian Arabs that have lived in the region since the great dispersion and, in my opinion, have no rightful claim to the land whatsoever. Now let’s get back to the topic, unusual stuff.

  • @dabaron:

    The term “Palestine” was invented by the Romans as a means to dishonor the Jews, because they hated them. They wanted to file the Jews and the Arabs together in a land called “Palestine” instead of Israel. So really, the “Palestinians” are just Jordanian Arabs that have lived in the region since the great dispersion and, in my opinion, have no rightful claim to the land whatsoever. Now let’s get back to the topic, unusual stuff.

    You’re quite right, dabaron. “Palestine” was what Emperor Hadrian named Judea (omdern day Israel) after the second revlot against Rome in 135 CE. It came from the extinct nation of the Philistines. Hadrian hoepd that by naming Judea and all its cities after extinct nations, he could eventually make the Jews extinct. He failed.

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