Undoubtably,…The Big E
CV-6 Enterprise
“Tall Paul”
For what it is worth I understand what IL is getting at perfectly and can agree with it. While the broader movie going public or even those of us here might not make the modestly subtle distinction it is a distinction worth making.
I suggest that something like “Saving Private Ryan” is a hybrid of the two types IL distinguishes. The beginning of that movie is very much driven by the events of the day. While the details vary and we are dealing with fictional characters the landing scenes follow very much along the lines of historical accounts in a similar way to “Battle of the Bulge” making it a war movie. It then moves on to become a story that happens during war and thus not a war movie.
Perhaps a further distinction on the lines of all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares can be reached.
Good post Frimmel I also agree on that.
So the Pianist is a war movie?
So the Pianist is a war movie?
I don’t know if it is or not but someone should give that pianist a sandwich.
Pianist is a war movie?
No. It is a very good movie, but the events don’t include or are driven by Historical battles. The story is more about the Jewish plight of living in Nazi Germany and how things went from bad to worse.
I tend to include things like “The Pianist” and “The Best Years of Our Lives” and “Schindler’s List” as war movies but I’ve always felt it needed some sort of sub classification because it isn’t a story pushed along by the course of the battle. “Patton” for instance is probably more properly considered a biopic.
Is Breaveheart a war movie?
Actually… isn’t TROY a war movie? by the definitions provided?
Braveheart is not a War movie ,it´s a Lovestory and the real story is been changed.
It wasn´t Intrigue wich led to a victory over the Scots men, it was that they were mostly Farmers and decided to cease war before the winter and settle it for their own future to be able to still provide for their Families and their country.
It was quiet possible for them to win the war over England.
isn’t TROY a war movie? by the definitions provided?
Troy was made to sell tickets to women because Brad Pitt has his shirt off like 99% of the time. The Historical timeline and facts are sorta embellished and over hyped. I dont think it is a war movie because the story is mostly driven by characters and love interests.