If there are any players from Greece playing Axis and Allies in person or online via any A&A platform let me know.
San Francisco Bay Area Players
Yea, gotta play soon!
I’m shooting for 11/11/12. New setups should be in place by then and we can get a good test in. Karl, happy to give you either of those! How does that day work for you all?
11/11/12 looks good :-)
I’m in too, only if I get to be China.
Death from Above has to check his school schedule, he’ll post shortly.
Variable, can you post a link to the rules/setup? I know they are on the forum/HBG somewhere, but would be good to have a link here.
Thanks! :wink:
did some looking around: these are the up to date rules/set up?
Thx Karl. I’ve never played global….lots of old Europe and pacific though. I shall read these rules daily.
did some looking around: these are the up to date rules/set up?
As up to date as we’ve released… I hope you guys will help fix some things! I will PM you guys shortly…
Hey! What happened here? :lol:
Anyone still want to meet up for some face to face A&A?
I know, revolutionary that people would actually do this with three dimensional stuff…
Let me know.
I am in Glenn Park and could hosts something.
I’ve wandered off over to the AA miniatures forum, been playing that mostly lately. You ever try the minis Karl?
I will be moving to Pacificia after the new year, any one interested in the board games or the naval minis close by?
I live in Santa Rosa, about an hour north of you (after the new year) I’m sure we can get something going. I play AA anything, minis and board games.
I am not a minis player. G40 is the game I am into. :-D
Found it. Bump for the update.
I’m in Marin (San Rafael) and will play any axis and allies game but would prefer to play my first global game 1940 :)
Greetings SF Bay Area players. I’ll be running an Axis & Allies 1942 SE tournament at KublaCon this year. You should join the fun!
San Jose/Berkeley.
That’s great! Let us know where and when. I will be playing two players tomorrow in San Francisco. (Global) 👍
Hey, everyone. I live in Oakland, and would love to meet up with fast, experienced players for A&A 1942.2 or 1940 Global as often as once a month. Sundays are best, but I’m open to other options.
That’s great Argothair. I’m in Marin but I am open to come down to Oakland. Let’s shoot for global. I have a few other guys also possibly. Shoot me a email when you have a chance.
fitrunner3 -at- aol.com