A new G40 online TripleA tournament is getting setup.
Team Global- TripleA-PBF- sounds fun.
I’m in. Somebody pick me up- I’ve never played TripleA :wink: :wink: :wink:
BTW I should tell you that SBR (Bombers with the d6+2)- the “+2 damage” has to be edited in EDIT mode.
Convoys (via A3) will need to be rolled in the forum (the old way).This is via V-man.
Questioneer would be a good pick up for ANYONE (save Commander Jennifer)…
Just saying.
I think it’s time for another round of CONSCRIPTION NOTICES to be sent out.
(Would be rad if we hit over 20 teams, and we’re almost there now!)
For the record, this name rocks for originality!!!
Dairy Qyrn (Cow + Veqryn)
For the record, this name rocks for originality!!!
Dairy Qyrn (Cow + Veqryn)
I agree. I wonder if they pass out caramel apple sundaes to their opponents.
I wanna play but i’ll need a teammate, anyone?
New to tripple A, don’t know anyone, other than those I’ve fought on the forum.
So, if need a player for a team I am available.
For the record, this name rocks for originality!!!
Dairy Qyrn (Cow + Veqryn)
I didn’t know that temporary team name would be so well recieved. lol.
LOL - I don’t even know if Cow and V like it.
I’ll captain team 13 (my lucky number!)
I’m in. I’ve played about 6 games of global OOB, never touched TripleA or the Alpha rules.
That’s alright, Gargantua, working on another team right now :-)
Global was updated today to version 2.7
(that is the file version)You guys all need to redownload the map. This is simple to do.
The fixes:
•Fixing Strategic Bombers so that they add +2 damage onto raids.
•Allowed USA to go to war if Japan declares war on ANZAC / UK.
•Added one missing UK infantry to Egypt.
•Dropped price of Cruisers to 9, when you have shipyards tech.Everyone needs to download it.
Make sure that both you and your opponents have it. If your opponent does not have it, then you might end up playing by the old version….
INSTRUCTIONS (this is simple to do)************************************************************************************************
1. Start TripleA2. Click DOWNLOAD MAPS
- For some reason this usually takes about 60 seconds for me to load, so be patient
4. Select the game you want from the left
- find World War II Global 1940 Alpha
- The map will update and UPGRADE overtop of itself.
6. Once installation is complete, close tripleA, and restart it. DONE.
you forgot a step garg:
step 2.1 Put this link into the text field.
(you can copy and paste it in there, using CTRL C to copy and CTRL V to paste)
Here is a video showing how to download maps:
AH, fair enough.
Anyone who has global installed already - has that link input by default now. :)
done- easy- it did take about 60 seconds to download so you are right you gotta be patient. You guys need to Bold Sticky these instructions on a separate thread for everyone- within “Software” or “Games” or both.
In all honesty, I don’t know that Stickying helps.
I never read the sticky threads, and just SCAN over them. Repeatedly. THey don’t stand out at all, even though they are listed on the front page LOL.
There’s still a problem with mech infantries not being able to blitz when paired with arms. The rest seems perfect. This must have been an headaching work!
here comes update 2.8… :-D :lol: