@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Atlanta Axis are going to lose dood…
They are imploding just like their “ancient” fore fathers. I mean, does anyone know what kind of drugs is love putting in the drinks in Atlanta?
I don’t know what to do other than arbitrate as soon as possible! :P
Seriously love has some kind of mind control device. Its ridiculous!!
Xdap final awaits a bid from allweneedishank
slow bracket update
atlanta axis concedes to allweneedishank
allweneedishank advances to face boldutch
atlanta axis have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournamentOFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-09-12.xls
bracket update.
allweneedishank defeats boldutch
allweneedishank advances to the final to face dairy qryn
boldutch have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournamentOFFICIAL UNTIL PROVEN WRONG XDAP Tournament Bracketing 2013-10-30.xls
bracket update.
allweneedishank defeats boldutch
allweneedishank advances to the final to face dairy qryn
boldutch have reached extra death and painfully leave the tournamentbring the cow to the slaughter. :wink:
Anyone up for XDAP #2?
I would play :-D
Get it going Garg…… send out the conscriptions!!
LOL I forgot about those conscription notices…
A tool that worked quite well!
Dearest _________,
GARGANTUA’S $200 TOURNAMENT OF EXTRA DEATH AND PAIN.IT’S WAR! And from hence forth, you are now to call yourself a soldier of AA.org.
Your orders are to report to this (link below) section of the forums IMMEDIATELY, and follow said instructions.
FAILURE to do so, will result in diminished social status on the site. You will be considered ‘un-cool’. The time has come, you must fall in line!
NO EXCUSES will be accepted, whether you play the game or not, or whether you have the programs installed or not is irrelevant, you WILL succeed in your total conversion into an AA.org Championship contender.
General Garg salute’s you!
IF there are a few more interested parties, I will consider XDAP 2.
Dearest _________,
GARGANTUA’S $200 TOURNAMENT OF EXTRA DEATH AND PAIN.IT’S WAR!� And from hence forth, you are now to call yourself a soldier of AA.org.
Your orders are to report to this (link below) section of the forums IMMEDIATELY, and follow said instructions.
FAILURE to do so, will result in diminished social status on the site.� You will be considered ‘un-cool’.� The time has come, you must fall in line!
NO EXCUSES will be accepted, whether you play the game or not, or whether you have the programs installed or not is irrelevant, you WILL succeed in your total conversion into an AA.org Championship contender.
General Garg salute’s you!
Yeah baby. It’s on - and this time i’s going to be EVEN MORE EPIC.
Bold already has a partner.
I’m in this time
Now we’re talking. A few questions
#1. What style of tourney? FIFA style? Divide the teams into sub leagues and do a round Robin opener? Say 3 or 4 games? Then straight elimination?
#2. How many teams?
#3. Any new rules? (Maybe a -you can/are-expected to post for your ally- if they don’t post within x hours rule)
#4. Do we want to through in a standard bid? Allies get X amount, + Russian Bomber? or?
#5. Anything else?
I vote for even more extra death and pain.
2. number of teams - less than last time but higher quality. goal of last tourney was to get people using tripleA - this time it should be for high quality, exciting competition (IMO). Therefore, I’d say teams should submit their interest and garg shall select the competitors based on quality. maybe it’s time for AWN to come back - AWN and Yoshi as a team?? :-D
3. definitely yes on one member of the team must post every 48 hours or so.
4. yes on the russian bomber + a bid.
5. COW. Bring it baby.
I’d love to play with my team.
My suggestions:
- No restrictions to the team number. If we get to much, let’s set qualifications rounds for the new ones like it is in the UEFA Champions League. Most of the regular players will be busy with the league play off soon.
- I share the timing concern, but stay with 72 hrs to post. Exceptions for ANZAC & France - both within 48 hrs. I wouldn’t cut Italy. As an option, limit both Italy and Ger to 5 days. Might sound complicated, but trust me the opponents will track it.
- No FIFA style - too long. Depending on the final team number, rule straight elimination from the beginning
- Ban Bold for the next day bumping and deactivate his A&A and credit card accounts :-)
- Rus bomber is great. Gamer may want to consider the same for the league.
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