How do I get in on some ethnic cleansing? Will there be rules for that?
hmmm, I was going to make a joke about child soldiers but that might show poor tastes :lol:. At any rate ethnic cleansing is no fun , its too easy . How about biological weapons? viruses spreading around the map killing units and reducing IPC values?
To empireman,
I meant to say the map would be global, I just mean that it would be oriented more to Asia as opposed to Europe(as it is in WWII global A&A). And instead of the US being split down the middle, the Atlantic would be split. like this

Also, Brazil should be a 6th power on the Russian/Chinese side, giving the US an enemy in South America. The Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran are at each others throats( not to mention Israel and Iran) so the Middle East would not be its own power. Iran/Syria would be pro-Russia/Chinese, Israel/Saudi Arabia/gulf states would be pro-American. The EU is fractured politically aswell, by 2015 many countries may have left the Euro-zone weakening the EU further. I don’t think they would pick a side to join as a whole, some would be pro-American others would join be pro-Russia.