For those of you interested in my storage solution for my pieces, wait no longer. Below is a picture of my custom build storage box.
This is only one of three that I was planning on building. Each box would hold one nation on each side; this one was originally constructed for the Germans and the Japanese, which is why I used the black and read felt. The Axis Powers!
I only ever got around to building one, but I will need to build two more pretty soon, as this one is too full at the moment.
The materials I used:
Plastic container with snap on lid (Target)
Long strips of balsa wood (Michaels)
Sheets of felt, cut to size (Hobby Lobby)
Hot glue
Exacto knife
The rest is pretty self explanatory. You just measure how big you want the individual sections to be, cut the balsa wood to size, glue the felt down, glue the balsa wood down, and you’re done.
I’ve found that it works pretty well for my storage needs, because it keeps the pieces secure and non-scratched because of the felt. My original idea was to see if I could fit in a second level, like a removable tray, but I scratched that idea. I also wanted to spray paint the boxes black and then paint or put a sticker of the national insignia on the box to make it look really professional. You can take the idea and run with it - you guys are creative.
Post your storage solutions here, or let us know how you keep your pieces safe and sound!