I have years of experience playing various A&A editions, and I have read many many books about the war, but I support the recent changes to the strategic bombing rules (go figure).
I play individual games with experienced players and I play in groups with experienced players and in all the games of global I have been involved in, there has been a total of 1 bombing raid that turned out horrible for the player doing the bombing. The last game I played in which we used the latest Alpha +3 rules, there was a total of 4 different bombing raids (none of which unbalanced the game in any way).
We don’t play with the research and tech optional rule, so maybe that part of the game is unbalanced, I don’t know. I do know that high altitude bombing was a part of the war, and before now, the statistical dynamics of bombing in axis and allies, went against common sense, and “unhistorically” took bombing out of our games. However, I like now that, any power can Strategically bomb facilities with a fair balance of success and failure, in my opinion.