• Every time I play Global 1940 with my friend if he is Germany or the US he’ll stockpile IPCs and make a four battleship fleet that I can never counter. I’ve tried air attacks, but the extra hit it takes to kill them makes it impossible with the amount of planes I have in range and all of my ships aren’t powerful enough to win. Any suggestions?

  • LOL.

    Double tap it,  hit it with Italy/Germany,  or America/UK

    It’s a WEAK purchase on his part,  Capitalize on this Blatant MISTAKE.

    Regardless of if you are axis, OR allies,  or what combination he mixes that fleet with,  just make sure you go in with overwhelming odds.

    For example, you could build 4 subs, for $24,  and just use 4 to 6 aircraft of your own, and probably DECIMATE his little fleet.  Mix in an extra sub or plane or whatever is necessary.

    Hell 3x subs is $18, to each of his $20 battleships, and the odds say you’ll win.

    The trick with battleships is to go in heavy, and go in hard.  Don’t let them heal, or you are playing his game.  Also be aware that he can strafe attack you, that is really the “best” advantage he has.  Either make your own fleet strong enough to repel the attacks, or don’t park it where you are going to get your butt kicked.

  • use Subs

  • The Allied strategy sounds good, but when he’s the U.S. the fleet is always against Japan, which is alone and not making enough IPCs to counter it. Japan can’t take very much away from their existing fleet without letting Britain in.

  • Focus your attention on making more MONEY, especially with Japan.

    Battleships are NOT Transports, and cannot take territories.  Draw him way the hell out to the dutch east indes, spread out a bit, with an easy target in the centre.  Let him take it and think it was a good move, then hammer him with everything you got.

    He won’t be building 4 Battleships again.  If you are worried about soaking hits,  build some ACC’s and when you attack, soak hits with those, or take them as complete casualties.

    People tend to forget that places like BORNEO/PHILLIPINES are basically in range of everything.

    Or even better, get your friend to come online here and play some of us.  You’ll see how it gets done.

  • So how what would be a good way to make $ with Japan then?

  • start with the DEI and China. Those two things are big just by themselves–an extra 35 ipcs

  • @ronrye:

    start with the DEI and China. Those two things are big just by themselves–an extra 35 ipcs

    Ignore China, get India and Australia.  You can reclaim a coastal here ro there or just plain out right forget them entirely.

  • I vehemently DISAGREE with Jennifer.

    Take YUNNAN, and hold it.  It is the backbone of ALL Chinese reinforcments. attack it the first turn, and manuever in such a way, as to be able to take it AND HOLD IT the second turn.

  • I’ll take Calcutta over Yunnan every day of the week.

    I’ll take New South Wales over Yunnan every day of the week.

    I’ll take Moscow over Yunnan every day of the week.

    Yunnan is only worth it if you intend to take out all of China.  Since you cannot win with China alone, but if you destroy the enemy fleets and sack two capitols you can win, why bother with China?  I can easily lose 200-300 IPC worth of equipment in China meanwhile the allies are tearing the Pacific to shreds (which is where all my money is.  There are no objectives in China.)

  • Wouldn’t taking part of China (including Yunnan) help fuel me for taking down India & ANZAC?

  • Well to point out something that conflicts with what Jen said -

    If you’re trying to win in Pacific, you’re going to need to at least keep your boot on China’s throat - you need Hong Kong and Shanghai.  If you’re not at least keeping China busy, you’re not going to have them for long.

  • Yes, but who wins in the Pacific?  America should be annhilating you long before you can win, your job is to slow America down.

    However, if you are going to win in the Pacific, migthn still be better to get Calcutta and Sydney first.

    As for China, unless you are getting good dice, it’s going to cost you a lot more than you get for taking it.  I like zooming around Russia and making China a two front war, if I need to take out China.  Forces them to split and allowing you to stack your planes for max efficiency.

  • Well if we’re talking about Axis winning in the Pacific, we’re operating under the assumption that America isn’t going 100% Pacific.
    We’re not all assuming that America goes the KJF route, Jen.  :lol:

    I could see the logic behind grabbing Calcutta and Sydney before re-taking the Chinese VCs, though.  It just might be harder than devoting the roughly 2 Infantry plus plane assests required to keep China busy.
    Going around China through Russia seems interesting, though.  I’ve never tried that.
    I’d think that if Japan is in the Novosibirsk region, they’d be focusing more on Russia than China.  But it’s certainly interesting.

  • One thing about battleships is they are more valuable for defending your own coast than going out to attack an enemy fleet.  Make his four shiny battleships come after you while your fleet is in home waters.  That way, if his battleships take that first hit and survive the naval battle, then they are a long way from friendly naval bases and can’t get repaired right away.  Now they are ONE-hit battleships.  Have a back-up force of planes waiting to pounce on your turn and his battleships will be toast.
    What’s even better, if they attacked your fleet and had to retreat, now they are just 1 sz away and in a damaged state.  Meanwhile YOUR capital ships get repaired right away and are ready to go at full strength.  Time to smash some battleships.  Then it’s like Gargantua said, he won’t be replacing those anytime soon, certainly not all four of them.

  • Let us assume America goes 30/70 split (ie, goes after Germany with only enough invested to allow Japan to walk all over the Pacific).

    I still say go Calcutta and Sydney first for the following reasons:
    1)  They are capitols. (Most important reason.)
    2)  They are both national objectives.
    3)  They are both victory cities.
    4)  They both prevent the enemy from rebuilding

    You should be able to take Calcutta on round 4 if you are dedicated (but not stuck with tunnel-vision) with tunnel-vision you could do it on round 3.  Australia should fall no later than two rounds after that.  Even if America is heavily invested, you should be able to get both of these before the Americans knock you back, IMHO.

    China has no capitol, so you can never stop them entirely, unless you take every scrap of land they have, and that’s usually taking me 6 or 7 rounds at the earliest.  So, for me, it is 6 or 7 rounds to get India and Australia or 6 to 7 rounds to get China.

    Worse, if I take China first, it’s darn near impossible to get India, they’ve just had too long to build up.  I feel it is akin to trying Sea Lion on round 12 or 13.  Can be done, but man is it going to take a lot of effort!

  • Taking Yunnan Neuter’s China Early.  No other target - save the fighter, matters in China.

    Dont listen to any of these “Abandon China” theories, or you’ll pay heavily for it.

  • I am not abandoning it, I am taking a few rounds to take out India and Australia first, then I can pummel the Chinese to my heart’s content, or go for San Francisco.

  • Jennifer,

    Please DIRECTLY answer these 3 questions, for all our benefit, followed perhaps by 1 SHORT explanation paragraph.

    1. What turn do you attack the allies with Japan?

    2. What Turn does Calcutta fall to you?

    3. What turn does NSW fall to you?

    4. and IF the Americans have committed NOTHING to the pacific, save defense, what turn does that put japanese forces back in China?  If Ever?

  • Taking Yunnan certainly makes life difficult for China (no artillery or bonus NO income), but it’s hard to hold it with what Japan’s got round 1.  And if China can retake it then all the Japanese effort did was to destroy a few Chinese infantry and prevent them from buying artillery for one turn.  This means that Japan has to invest a bit in China to actually keep Yunnan.  It’s a slippery slope.  I think it’s definitely a good goal to take and hold Yunnan, but is it worth the cost compared to being able to spend those IPCs on taking out ANZAC or India earlier?

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