Please DIRECTLY answer these 3 questions, for all our benefit, followed perhaps by 1 SHORT explanation paragraph.
1. What turn do you attack the allies with Japan?
2. What Turn does Calcutta fall to you?
3. What turn does NSW fall to you?
4. and IF the Americans have committed NOTHING to the pacific, save defense, what turn does that put japanese forces back in China? If Ever?
Japan 1:
Attack various Chinese territories
NCM units to KWA including fleet
Collect 29 TT + 5 Saved + 10 NO = 44 IPC
Japan 2:
- 2 Transports
- Naval Base
- 5 Infantry
Move transports, Infantry, planes down to Hainan/Kwa
Attack various Chinese territories
Build naval base in Hainan
Build infantry in Japan (in case America is getting uppity)
If American equipment is in range of SZ 6, scratch transports and build more ground units.
Japan 3:
Attack Philippines, Attack India with 6 loaded transports, 12 planes and use fleet to sink SZ 39.
Best England can have: 23 ground units, 3 planes
In that case, move transports and equipment down and put fleet next to India to prevent blocking (sea zone adjacent to SZ 39)
Japan 4:
Attack India with 8 transports, 20 planes
End of J4 (either way) India is Japans. From there put ICs in FIC, W. India and Malaya to assist in crushing Australia. No big if America dumps ships in SZ 6, just keep Japan stacked to prevent it from falling.
NSW should fall two or three rounds later to Japanese forces. Even if we assume I lost 6 of 20 planes in India and all but one of the ground units attacking, I should have enough replacements to overwhelm the Australians.
Say Turn 4 (latest for India) + 3 rounds (longest after) for a total of 7 rounds. China is mostly ignored here except a round 1 attack on Yunnan and perhaps replacement attacks if it is not heavily stacked. Other attacks are “walk in onlys” to preseve units to put on transports. (I need 16 ground units)
This is an adaption of the Kill America First strategy in so much it relies heavily on transports. The naval base in Hainan is only if England does not block, if they do, just jump in closer and stack Burma/Sham State/Stay on Transports so you can attack on J4. (Gives you more transports since you dont need 15 IPC for the naval base.)
If America virutally ignores the Pacific, I am still putting forces back into China after India falls. (Due to lack of transports being needed, I can use complexes in india, w. india, malaya, fic, etc or any part there of to add forces to use in China.) If America does go Pacific, I want to build up fleets to take them on. With DEI, 5of7, India and NSW I should have enough cash to do this.
Not saying this is an “I win” button, just really powerful if you can pull it off.