I’m not sure yet lmao. Also I’m not sure if I want to do things like national objective which will also be a big factor. Also since the ussr was almost entirely industrialised, going through a massive famine, and a control economy, I’m thinking russia will also have to pay to keep his territories fed and maintained
Historical Tech?
So I was thinking what if tech was made historical. Like each nations aquired it on a specific turn. It’s an idea.
These rules are a marked improvement over OOB. Since OOB technology is not designed to be balanced respective to the other technology, it stands to reason that it should be more difficult to obtain. Secondly, players are somewhat rewarded for past results since the success roll can be achieved over a somewhat modified success roll after a number of attempts. I modified my original tiered tech concept that was originally presented during the release of AA50 to simplify the cost structure since some techs require either one, two , or three researcher investment. Lastly, the design of this system precludes cash rich players from spending lots of income to win technology almost immediately and still allows cash poor nations some entry level techs. Most techs since they require multiple rolls of six, now offer a way for other players to see how far they have progressed in development.
Note: Only active players/ nations can research technology. Until you are at war no technology research is possible. Remember also in this system you are buying 1,2 or as much as 3 researchers each rolling specific dice each turn ( 1,2,or 3) and once you achieved success in at least one technology, all other progress and investments for other categories are reset to zero. This last provision prevents the deliberate glitching of technology by cash rich nations.
I just reworded the Categories 1,2,3 as early, mid and late war techs to clarify better the Historical progression of these developments and attempt to tie them together with some prerequisites to further prevent glitching only for the best techs. Realistically you must develop lower ranked items in order to have the foundation to research more effective techs. This is the basis of a proper tech tree.
Imperious Leaders Revised Technology rules:
Revised Tech Tree:
Procedure: Same as Global except you assign your researcher to one of THREE categories. You can never research more than one attempt in each category and once you achieve even one required roll(s) all investments (even in other categories) are considered expended. The first category requires one researcher, the second requires two researchers, and the last category costs three researchers.Research & Development Sequence:
1. Buy researcher tokens (1, 2, or 3 as required)
2. Roll research dice (Again 1, 2 or 3)
3. Roll breakthrough dice (does not need to be at once, but over more than one turn)
4. Mark developmentStep 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
Each researcher token costs 5 IPC’s.Step 2: Roll Research Dice
For each researcher you have, roll one die. When any achievement is made remove all researchers from all categories and additional Tech research must be reinvested. Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.Category 1: Early War Techs
-Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.
-Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed. Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn.Category 2: Mid War Techs
Prerequisite: One Tech of each tier early war category ( 2 total)
-Success: If you roll at least two sixes at one time you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.-Failure: If you do not roll the correct values, your research has failed. Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. The next turn the needed roll to score success is reduced to 11 and capped at 10.
Category 3: Late War Techs
Prerequisite: One Tech of each tier early war category and mid war category ( 4 total)
-Success: If you roll at least three sixes at one time, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.-Failure: If you do not roll the correct values, your research has failed. Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. The next turn the needed roll to score success is reduced to 17, 16 and capped at 15.
Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
If you succeed on any research die, you choose any technology within the 1st tier. Additional technology research applied to the same tech category can go to a higher technology as long as you got at least one tech. For example: If you want a technology that is 2nd tier technology, you must have at least one 1st tier tech in that same category.Step 4: Mark Development
If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart. Your development becomes effective immediately. Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.Category 1: Requires a score of ONE SIX at one time and maximum one researcher
Tier 1:
Mobile Warfare Doctrine: Mechanized infantry can now blitz two spaces; Tanks now can boost the attack value of these units to 2 at a 1:1 basisRadar/ Sonar: Fighters defending in areas with AA gun now defend at 5, Cruisers now have ASW capabilities (perform as destroyers do in terms of submarine interactions). Planes may now attack submarines with either Destroyer or Cruisers.
Tier 2: (requires one development success in tier one)
Lend Lease: You may loan up to two D6 worth of income to your allies
Super Subs: OOB
Category 2: Requires a score of TWO SIX’s at one time or less* and maximum two researchers
Tier 1:
Code breakers: Defending Fighters or Tactical Bombers roll first in any naval attack and their hits are removed first before any attacker gets to roll
Advanced Warship Design: Carriers can carry 3 planes; Battleships attack at 5 and take 3 hits to sink.
Tier 2: (requires one development success in tier one)
Jet Fighters: OOB, also AA guns have no effect on these units.
Underground Factories: All sustained SBR damage is cut in half rounded down.
Category 3: Requires a score of THREE SIX’s at one time or less* and maximum three researchers
Tier 1:
Rockets: OOB
Long Range Aircraft: OOB
Tier 2: (requires one development success in tier one)
Heavy Bombers: Bombers immune to AA fire, Take best result of two rolls
Atomic Weaponry: One roll of permanent IPC damage for rest of game, two additional rolls of standard damage
- die roll for success is modified -1 each turn after the first roll and called at 10 or 15 depending on category.
Wow interesting idea IL. But I’m a little confused on your Atomic Bomb tech. Is it for SBRs? Is only one or two available?
It is a SBR attack and you get one such attack per turn with bombers.