Yes I agree that more VCs needed in PTO and Japan should have to work to get that 1 more VC in the PTO. I do have a VC Capital in Manchuria for my 40 game but with not having 18 inf in area it doesn�t seem to get pressured much.
Singapore is out of the question due to Japan being so strong by islands from G40 game reports. Got to make Japan earn it. Just some thoughts.
A new Tech available MOAB
We have a new Tech for AA 1942 The USAF has a new MOAB ( mother of all bombs ) It is a 21,000 pound MOAB whish is replacing the 15,000 pound ( Daisy cutter ) which was used in Iraq and afghanistan. I feel sorry for any that gets hit by this. But remember WAR IS UGLY
This can be a great asset to any world power that gets its hands on this baby. this is truely a game ender
I have included a pic of the MOAB
Good luck all