@shadowhawk said in Defenceless transport rules need revision:
Currently if i got 100 transport and the enemy attacks with 1 sub, but i have an airbase and 1 fighter i can scramble. At that point i do have a unit that can shoot back so the rule does not apply and the enemy has to make 100kills with the sub.
No. Fighter and submarine can’t hit each other - so the transports are still defenseless.
Rulebook Europe 1940 2nd , page 20:
“Defenseless Transports
In a sea battle, if the defender has only transports
remaining and the attacker still has units capable
of attacking, the defending transports are all
destroyed, along with their cargo. You don’t have
to continue rolling dice until all the transports
receive hits. This will speed up combats. This also
occurs if the only combat units remaining can’t hit
each other. For example, if the defender has only
transports and submarines remaining, and the
attacker has only air units remaining, the air units
and submarines can’t hit each other, so the trans-
ports are defenseless. At this point, defenseless
transports are all destroyed, along with their cargo.
Attacking transports are not usually considered
defenseless, since they generally have the option
of retreating. If they can’t retreat, they are treated
the same as defending transports. Destroying
defenseless transports in this way still counts as
combat for the purpose of offshore bombardment
and similar rules.”
@shadowhawk said in Defenceless transport rules need revision:
Or if i got 20AA guns and the enemy attacks with 1 mech. Do we really want to roll dies till he hits 20x a 1?
No, as the same rulebook says on page 29:
“If a territory containing AAA units and no combat units is attacked, the AAA units are automatically destroyed after they fire (see “Air Defense”, below), but if only air units are attacking, at least one of them must survive the Air Defense in order to destroy the AAA. AAA units may never attack.”