• @mantlefan:



    USA also needs to be careful of retaking central USA outright from the Germans becuase this may open them to a japan counter, depending. It’s quite hard for the USA to defend BOTH W and E (much less all 3) if they don’t know what’s coming round 1 (or as will likely be the case, round 2)

    Wow I can’t even believe your still going on about this No-win strat. At lease if you do Sealion you get the UK cash and stop them from building any new units. Taking central USA has ZERO strategic value and you don’t get the America cash not to mention you have NO reinforcements. With this strat you are going to bankrupt the Axis for a gain of 12 IPCS. Way go Noobkiller

    How are 3 reinforcements a turn (Minor IC) “NO reinforcements”

    Like I said, if USA takes C USA back, they might be susceptible to a severe japan counter.

    How do you build out of a factory you have just taken? As for a Japanese counter attack: If WUS upgrades USA1 they would never even try to invade.

  • @Idi:




    USA also needs to be careful of retaking central USA outright from the Germans becuase this may open them to a japan counter, depending. It’s quite hard for the USA to defend BOTH W and E (much less all 3) if they don’t know what’s coming round 1 (or as will likely be the case, round 2)

    Wow I can’t even believe your still going on about this No-win strat. At lease if you do Sealion you get the UK cash and stop them from building any new units. Taking central USA has ZERO strategic value and you don’t get the America cash not to mention you have NO reinforcements. With this strat you are going to bankrupt the Axis for a gain of 12 IPCS. Way go Noobkiller

    How are 3 reinforcements a turn (Minor IC) “NO reinforcements”

    Like I said, if USA takes C USA back, they might be susceptible to a severe japan counter.

    How do you build out of a factory you have just taken?

    On G4, Germany takes CUS, on J4, Japan takes WUS. On US 4 , US takes back CUS. On G5, Germany lands aircraft on WUS. On J5, Japan builds 3 fighters for WUS and lands all available aircraft on WUS

  • '10


    Lol if USA upgrades USA1 I say mission accopmplished and laugh at their waste of 20 IPCs and pursue a more conventional strat.

    Heck yeah.

  • @mantlefan:





    USA also needs to be careful of retaking central USA outright from the Germans becuase this may open them to a japan counter, depending. It’s quite hard for the USA to defend BOTH W and E (much less all 3) if they don’t know what’s coming round 1 (or as will likely be the case, round 2)

    Wow I can’t even believe your still going on about this No-win strat. At lease if you do Sealion you get the UK cash and stop them from building any new units. Taking central USA has ZERO strategic value and you don’t get the America cash not to mention you have NO reinforcements. With this strat you are going to bankrupt the Axis for a gain of 12 IPCS. Way go Noobkiller

    How are 3 reinforcements a turn (Minor IC) “NO reinforcements”

    Like I said, if USA takes C USA back, they might be susceptible to a severe japan counter.

    How do you build out of a factory you have just taken? As for a Japanese counter attack: If WUS upgrades USA1 they would never even try to invade.

    Lol if USA upgrades USA1 I say mission accopmplishedand laught at their waste of 20 IPCs and pursue a more conventional strat. If they know it’s coming it doesn;t work, obviously. Have any valid points?

    I would gladly pay 20IPC’s to see you go on a more conventional mission. At least it would shut you up going on and on about your fantasy of invading the USA. This isn’t even your thread but you talk like you have been conquering America for years. Your just riding along on keplar galvin’s coatails trying to steal his thunder……

  • '10

    Why would you want your opponent to go on a more conventional mission, if the unconventional one is doomed to failure, as you seem to believe?  Wouldn’t it be better to “sucker” the Axis into a (in your opinion) hopeless American ground war?


    Your just riding along on keplar galvin’s coatails trying to steal his thunder……

    Weird.  I don’t see “Hey, that’s not a bad idea!  Let’s explore it further!” as thunder-theft.  I would think that would apply more to statements like, “What a worthless strat!  That will only word on nooBs!”

  • Customizer



    If you have the time, could you post what you sent to each of those 5 SZ’s?

    It seems like at least in 110 UK could have mopped the floor with you. Did you pull off 106 with only 1 sub?

    no problem

    vs 112 - 113 fleet, poland tac, slovac fighter, ftr and tac from west germany
    vs 111 - 2 subs, 1 fighter, 1 tacs, 1 bomber
    vs 106 - 1 sub
    vs 109 - 1 sub, 1 fighter (uk also didn’t scramble here, same sea lion paranoia)
    vs 110 - 1 sub, fighter, 2 tacs

    pretty sure this is it… 95% sure

    Try this instead:

    sz111 2 sb, 1 fht, 1 tac, 1 bmb

    sz110 2 sb, 3 fht, 3 tac

    sz106 1 sb (chancy, or use it somewhere else)

    sz112 1 CA, 1 BB

    remaing 2 planes to southern Italy (or hit sz112 with them.

  • I also am intrigued by the idea, I’ve only gotten 1 and a half games under my belt, but it is interesting to see the idea discussed.  I have an easy solution for the Idi Amin problem though.  When he chimes in with worthless comments, try not even responding.  Respond only to input on the strategy.  Who cares what he or anyone else thinks if its a worthless idea, that just means they’ll be unprepared for it when it shows up against them in play.

    In the end, its just a game, and this is just an online discussion forum.  So deal with the constructive ideas and ignore the drivel, that way everyone(Idi) will wise up and realize the only way they can enter the discussion is with valid opinions.  BRILLIANT!

    Wish I could add more to the thread, but with my limited knowledge I’m still having trouble pulling off the Sealion correctly.  Perhaps in the future…

  • This is a great thread.  This is the kind of stuff I registered for, so it’s too bad some people are such negative Nellys.  Who cares if it sounds crazy–splitting the atom used to be a preposterous idea too.

  • Settle down people.  Come on Idi, lets try to tone down the language.

  • ok…. so last night we finished the game where i did this strategy and the allies conceded. the only negative thing i found from the axis point of view was that japan stalled in asia. perhaps an IC or more transports to asia would have helped, but that was a small problem.

    the 2nd turn after the failed attack, Japan was able to consolidate their fleet into a giant fleet in hawaii and keep the US at bay in the pacific for the remainder of the game. Japan held their ground in asia and was island hopping in the pacific. The US was never really able to do anything in the Atlantic, which allowed Italy to concentrate on taking Egypt and rolling through the Middle east. Italy was making 26 in objectives by the last turn. something about Italy bringing 50+ ipc’s per turn is scary. On the last turn they took south africa, basically finishing off UK in Africa.

    Germany had plenty of units to eventually break russia. i kept streaming infantry towards romania, and building up tanks and art, until i had enough to take the ukraine factory and the very next turn the factory in the north (whatever that one is called)

    i might do something similar to this another time because of the time it gives italy w/o worrying about gibrolter and the US getting into the Med. i think that made a HUGE difference for the axis powers, especially Italy.

    It can be done , remember the US has no idea anything is happening til turn 3, maybe a small inkling on turn 2. The element of surprise is in the axis hands.

  • Excellent thread.  Interesting stuff.

    Might work a time or two then would likely slow down the US liberation of Uk in future Sealions.


  • @keplar:

    ok…. so last night we finished the game where i did this strategy and the allies conceded. the only negative thing i found from the axis point of view was that japan stalled in asia. perhaps an IC or more transports to asia would have helped, but that was a small problem.

    OMG You mean as Japan you never built even 1 IC on the mainland> Whoops I forgot about your previous post regarding the UK player not scrambling turn 1 to defend his fleet. So I’m assuming he turtled in India if you never placed any IC’s on the mainland. I just don’t see your KAF working on any experienced player.

  • I did it!! It was very close, and almost a failure, but it worked. America fell and the allies surrendered. America was undermanned because the player felt that England was the target until G3 (as has been stated) Also England did scramble on T1 so it’s entirely possible to take out the Royal Navy, but be prepared to lose most of your airforce.

    Japan took all of China, but England was going to push in and begin liberating them, however The U.S. had fallen so who gives a sh**  :wink:

    The only axis player who did poorly was Italy, with absolutely no territory in Africa, but enough ground units to hold mainland Italy no problem.

    Also, it’s important to mention that Germany had heavy bombers on G1 after buying just one research die, so luck WAS on MY side! In addition, I would like to give my respects to the man who posted this strat, as it is most definitely plausible and, if successful, will result in victory for the axis.

  • @mantlefan:


    I did it!! It was very close, and almost a failure, but it worked. America fell and the allies surrendered. America was undermanned because the player felt that England was the target until G3 (as has been stated) Also England did scramble on T1 so it’s entirely possible to take out the Royal Navy, but be prepared to lose most of your airforce.

    Japan took all of China, but England was going to push in and begin liberating them, however The U.S. had fallen so who gives a sh**  :wink:

    The only axis player who did poorly was Italy, with absolutely no territory in Africa, but enough ground units to hold mainland Italy no problem.

    Also, it’s important to mention that Germany had heavy bombers on G1 after buying just one research die, so luck WAS on MY side! In addition, I would like to give my respects to the man who posted this strat, as it is most definitely plausible and, if successful, will result in victory for the axis.

    Thanks for the breakdown! I’m sure it will be dismissed by some as only luck, but in reality this is a strat that is pretty good the first time you try it against a player. Even if they are experienced, that doesn’t mean they know from the outset to defend the US territories

    Exactly. This would be our 4th game of global so we are both pretty experienced. The main thing this strat has going for it is that no axis player in his right mind would risk the whole game going for the U.S. (much like no German Panzer Division would ever go through the Ardennes) the surprise factor of this move is invaluable. That’s why it will never work twice on the same player, but I guarantee that the first time you do this move, the allies will be utterly shocked.

  • @warwinner:

    I did it!! It was very close, and almost a failure, but it worked. America fell and the allies surrendered. America was undermanned because the player felt that England was the target until G3 (as has been stated) Also England did scramble on T1 so it’s entirely possible to take out the Royal Navy, but be prepared to lose most of your airforce.

    Japan took all of China, but England was going to push in and begin liberating them, however The U.S. had fallen so who gives a sh**  :wink:

    The only axis player who did poorly was Italy, with absolutely no territory in Africa, but enough ground units to hold mainland Italy no problem.

    Also, it’s important to mention that Germany had heavy bombers on G1 after buying just one research die, so luck WAS on MY side! In addition, I would like to give my respects to the man who posted this strat, as it is most definitely plausible and, if successful, will result in victory for the axis.

    AWESOME!!! glad to hear that someone was successful. That’s why i shared the idea.

    How mant transports did you use as germany?

  • Just four. I wanted to use more, but the timing, and England’s persistence of interfering with my maritime activities forced me to reinforce my fleet with a carrier, as opposed to placing three more transports in Normandy. Also, Russia was built up to a very imposing force, but Germany starts with enough men to play defense on the Eastern borders, and if you devote all your ipc to land troops starting G3 you should still be able to push the russians back, because even if the attack on U.S. fails, the Western allies have been crippled so much you don’t need to worry about them for at least 3 turns (maybe 4)

  • @warwinner:

    Just four. I wanted to use more, but the timing, and England’s persistence of interfering with my maritime activities forced me to reinforce my fleet with a carrier, as opposed to placing three more transports in Normandy. Also, Russia was built up to a very imposing force, but Germany starts with enough men to play defense on the Eastern borders, and if you devote all your ipc to land troops starting G3 you should still be able to push the russians back, because even if the attack on U.S. fails, the Western allies have been crippled so much you don’t need to worry about them for at least 3 turns (maybe 4)

    Way to go Jimmy Mullen

  • i’m a little surprised that one of the “veterans” of this site haven’t piped in with their comments about this thread…  namely gargantua, commander jenn, etc…

  • I have the feeling the allied player had no idea of what the heck he was doing.

  • Just this requires dice rolls to be unusually favorable for the axis.

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