So wanted to try the “J3 India Crush” scenario from last weeks thread on J3 / J4 India Crush Q, I was very interested in the detail “Variance” gave, so I printed it out & followed it to the letter (see last weeks thread).
I thought this would be a good time to try it, just to see how it would work w/ me playing the Axis & my 15yo inexperienced player son being the Allies.
So w/ everything playing out perfect thru J2, all set & poised to take India on J3, which looks like will happen after I wipe out the UK India fleet, before making an amphib landing & adding all my air units to the battle–-I should accomplish this goal.
But to my surprise, out of left field, comes my inexperienced 15yo son, noticing that I have just allowed the US to get into the fray by attacking UK & taking Shan State in J2 (per the Variances’ India Crush outline). He also saw that Japan was only 3-sea spaces away from Hawaii, where he had moved the entire US fleet in US1 along w/ two transports & land units.
So he said, “looks like Japan is wide open for invasion, no sea units, only 6inf & 1art” (because all the rest headed for India (per the J3-IC plan)-----so he hit Japan on US2 w/ his full fleet & transport loaded! Because of the initial bombardments & land attack, he was able to almost take Japan on US2, leaving me w/ only 1-art before my next to last dice roll took his last inf unit! :-o
Thus this has left Japan w/ all my Air, Navel & most of my mainland units all in SE Asia & off India poised for the J3-Crush, Japan w/ only 1-art & the entire US fleet in sz6 off Japan.
And, my son said he’s just going to leave the fleet their as fodder for anything I want to try to throw @ them for the next couple rounds while he builds & moves another fleet w/tt’s that should reach Japan by US5, & after the J3-crush, I would only be able to limp whats left of my fleet, planes, etc back to Japan by J5 to meet the onslaught.
All in all, this didn’t work out the way I thought it was going to, per the lay-out by “Variance” . I’m now put in a position of ‘defense by attrition’, trying to get back to Japan, not being able to deal w/ ANZAC, the Philippines, or take the DEI (which was to be my J4 & J5.
Once I awoke the “Sleeping Giant” on J2, even w/ my inexperienced son, he now has 72ipc’s per round, has acquired “improved shipyards”, has his fleet off Japan, & on the Europe map, has taken Gibrltr back, has his naval & subs staring to amass @ the Strait & my German & Italian units are spread thin while trying to accomplish their Basic goals as outline in the “Soulfein’s G2-dow on Russia” strategy from the German playbook that Cow’s recently been putting together!
So if anyone can make sense of this—what the heck just happened :?