• I tried a USA first strategy in our game last night, it damn near worked!! there are a few things i could have done differently to better my odds, but we all know how that whole hindsight thing works, right?

    G1 buy ACC, 2 transports… pretty standard, scares UK into mostly inf on UK1 and limits units in SA… wipe out british navy in sz 112, 110, 106, 109, and 111, take france and southern france (i didn’t think i had enough for normandy also) attack yugo and absorb pro axis neutrals noncom 2 fighters to italy to scramble, fleet in sz 112

    J1 buy 2 transports, 2 subs… attack china everywhere i can… noncom everything that can make it to caroline islands, everything else to sz 6

    I1 buy transport… take gib, bunch of north africa, french fleet

    G2 (here’s where i should have changed something) bought ACC, 2 trans, 2 subs, 1 destroyer and some land units; i should have bought 1 or possibly 2 more transports.take normandy… move units closer to russia border

    J2 buy destroyer, units for asia train… attack china everywhere… non com caroline fleet to SZ 50, SZ 6 fleet to Wake Island SZ

    I2 buy destroyer and land units… need most of navy and 3 loadable transports in sz 92 and land  planes on gib

    G3buy all land units… move navy to SZ 91, troops on gib, 2 planes on gig, need empty carrier in case i need somewhere to land with italy aircraft

    J3 buy more asia units, maybe destroyer and/or transport… finish off china, non com sz 50 to sz 64, wake island to sz 12

    I3 take central america, se mexico

    G4 attack eastern us

    J4 attack eastern US

  • What was the outcome?

  • i didn’t have the numbers to do it properly, but i tried anyways to no avail. that’s why i said 1 or 2 transports and probably another bomber would have made the difference. it was fun to try something new.

    even though it didn’t work out and left alot of things open, i’m still in pretty good shape for our continuation.

  • @mantlefan:

    I can’t firgure out how so many people dominate the UK navy so badly. Are you playing with the Alpha+. Scrambling rules?

    What happens to italy when you leave Normandy untouched and the cruiser alive in 91? Did you get any planesto south Italy ? That German turn seems like a condemnation for italy.

    yes, using alpha 2

    yes, 2 fighters to southern italy.  UK attacked the battleship and cruiser and it went very well for me

    More specifically, what do you send to SZ 110? UK can scramble 3 ftrs and blow away most anything Germany can afford to send while attacking 111 as well.

    vs 110 i sent 2 subs, 1 fighter, 2 tacs, 1 bomber. UK chose not to scramble probably for sea lion defense

  • @mantlefan:

    If you have the time, could you post what you sent to each of those 5 SZ’s?

    It seems like at least in 110 UK could have mopped the floor with you. Did you pull off 106 with only 1 sub?

    no problem

    vs 112 - 113 fleet, poland tac, slovac fighter, ftr and tac from west germany
    vs 110 - 2 subs, 1 fighter, 1 tacs, 1 bomber
    vs 106 - 1 sub
    vs 109 - 1 sub, 1 fighter (uk also didn’t scramble here, same sea lion paranoia)
    vs 111 - 1 sub, fighter, 2 tacs

    pretty sure this is it… 95% sure

  • '10



    If you have the time, could you post what you sent to each of those 5 SZ’s?

    It seems like at least in 110 UK could have mopped the floor with you. Did you pull off 106 with only 1 sub?

    no problem

    vs 112 - 113 fleet, poland tac, slovac fighter, ftr and tac from west germany
    vs 110 - 2 subs, 1 fighter, 1 tacs, 1 bomber
    vs 106 - 1 sub
    vs 109 - 1 sub, 1 fighter (uk also didn’t scramble here, same sea lion paranoia)
    vs 111 - 1 sub, fighter, 2 tacs

    pretty sure this is it… 95% sure

    Geez…You are lucky UK didn’t scramble…Don’t try that against an experienced player. At least 2 planes are missing in SZ 110 for a “serious” attack. Personally, with this setup, i would scramble in SZ 109 the scotland fighter, and 3 fighters in SZ 110 no matter what you bought on G1.

  • i think my sz 110 battle had another plane in it, it’s hard to remember for sure.  i was pretty sure he wasn’t going to scramble (i would). even if he did, and i lost some aircraft,  it wouldn’t have changed much regarding my overall strategy.

  • This strategy sounds really fun to try, particularly if the US player doesn’t know it’s coming.  However, I can’t help but notice that Italy did not participate in your attack.  Why?  Italy could easily have gotten 3 loaded transports and maybe some cruiser, BB bombards.  I think that if the German and Japanese player eliminate the US, even if the UK  is able to take Italy, it’s still a winning situation for the axis.  And Germany will probably liberate Italy eventually, but I don’t think the same could be said for the US.

  • @brettstarr4:

    This strategy sounds really fun to try, particularly if the US player doesn’t know it’s coming.  However, I can’t help but notice that Italy did not participate in your attack.  Why?  Italy could easily have gotten 3 loaded transports and maybe some cruiser, BB bombards.  I think that if the German and Japanese player eliminate the US, even if the UK  is able to take Italy, it’s still a winning situation for the axis.  And Germany will probably liberate Italy eventually, but I don’t think the same could be said for the US.

    keep in mind, this is alpha 2.

    Italy actually started the whole thing off during I3. They took central america and SE mexico. central allows Japan to go through the panama canal and SE mexico gives the German bomber somewhere to land.

    And it was fun to play/try. When i moved the german fleet to gibralter and the japanese fleet to sz 64, the US player pooped in his pants a little lol…

  • What was the American player buying this whole time? Bombers??? An experienced USA player would have bulked up enough home defence to stop any invasion upon seeing the Nazi Navy marshaling in Sz 91. As well how does Japan attack Eastern US?
    WHATEVER…. Sounds to me like this was a very short game……UK producing tanks in South Africa, Russia practically unopposed on the Eastern front, Italy out of Africa, India/Anzac unattacked and in possesion of the money islands. China building artillery.

    Way to screw the game kid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • @Idi:

    What was the American player buying this whole time? Bombers??? An experienced USA player would have bulked up enough home defence to stop any invasion upon seeing the Nazi Navy marshaling in Sz 91. As well how does Japan attack Eastern US?
    WHATEVER…. Sounds to me like this was a very short game……UK producing tanks in South Africa, Russia practically unopposed on the Eastern front, Italy out of Africa, India/Anzac unattacked and in possesion of the money islands. China building artillery.

    Way to screw the game kid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    you must not have read the first post outlining how it happened…

    the german fleet didn’t get to sz 91 until G3, then on US 3 he did bulk up for home defense, bringing units back,  etc.,  hence the title of the post…

    Italy is IN africa, by I3 Italy was getting 15 ipc’s in objectives. and like i said before, italy takes central america on I3 and japan sails through on J4

    Germany starts with enough units to hold off russia (and Russsia was buying tanks and he has a nice little airforce too) but so does Germany.

    we played about 6-7 hours on sunday night and will hopefully finish on friday. you’re right about the short game  :roll:

  • @mantlefan:


    What was the American player buying this whole time? Bombers??? An experienced USA player would have bulked up enough home defence to stop any invasion upon seeing the Nazi Navy marshaling in Sz 91. As well how does Japan attack Eastern US?
    WHATEVER…. Sounds to me like this was a very short game……UK producing tanks in South Africa, Russia practically unopposed on the Eastern front, Italy out of Africa, India/Anzac unattacked and in possesion of the money islands. China building artillery.

    Way to screw the game kid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Before they are at war, USA can only build 3 per complex a turn. At least the first 2 buys for US players ARE mostly Naval and air. Honestly if the axis Gets USA who gives a darn what the chinese are doing lol?

    Looking at this situation, US really only has reason to believe it will be attacked (at least in the East) on it’s third buy. By then it might be too late to build enough.

    You’re absolutely right mantlefan, the US player was buying naval, fleet and some tech.  Plus i had a secondary Japanese fleet in sz 12, to threaten western US and Hawaii.

  • @mantlefan:


    What was the American player buying this whole time? Bombers??? An experienced USA player would have bulked up enough home defence to stop any invasion upon seeing the Nazi Navy marshaling in Sz 91. As well how does Japan attack Eastern US?
    WHATEVER…. Sounds to me like this was a very short game……UK producing tanks in South Africa, Russia practically unopposed on the Eastern front, Italy out of Africa, India/Anzac unattacked and in possesion of the money islands. China building artillery.

    Way to screw the game kid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Before they are at war, USA can only build 3 per complex a turn. At least the first 2 buys for US players ARE mostly Naval and air. Honestly if the axis Gets USA who gives a darn what the chinese are doing lol?

    Looking at this situation, US really only has reason to believe it will be attacked (at least in the East) on it’s third buy. By then it might be too late to build enough.

    Hey Rook, thanks for tip on limited production! The only way the USA will ever be invaded is if Mantlefan is playing them.

  • Instead of being an interesting combination of ignorant, arrogant, and belligerent (this is called trolling) how about you back up your gratuitous assertions with actual evidence?

    yeah, Idi’s trolling me in the personal message area now lol….

  • At the end of J1 if America feels treatened they simply upgrade their Western IC. That will eliminate any Japanese threat and with Japan throwing themselves off a cliff trying to engage the USA it would make it soooooooooooooo easy for India forces to own the Burma road/ANZAC to liberate the Philippines etc, etc>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • @mantlefan:

    If the USA figures out what you are up to on USA2 this strat still forces them to waste a few buys on securing the continent. This is actually not a bad strat for getting pearl. Once the Japan get’s pearl with this scare, it’s honestly not that far for Germany to INDIA. Sounds crazy, but UK has been hemmed in through 2 turns of sealion scare, USA had to play defensive and get lots of land units and planes, and if Japan can put most everyhitng into holdiong pearl and going hardcore into india, and Germany can survive long enough, the german/italian/japanese combo could take india. Remember, only 6 are necessary for the victory.

    I’m not saying this is the best strategy, but the fact that it can simultaneously put USA and UK in fear of their capitals can make things very interesting.

    Your right! this is not the best strategy…… However this would be the best strategy if you wanted to waste 3.5 hours of other players time. Way to fall on your sword>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • @mantlefan:


    Your right! this is not the best strategy…… However this would be the best strategy if you wanted to waste 3.5 hours of other players time. Way to fall on your sword>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    So only the strategy that is proven to be the best should EVER be attempted? Let’s play all games according to the same

    Why does a strategy not being the best mean that it’s impossible?

    Having the right to speak your “mind” doesn’t mean you should. Please provide some evidence to support your claims, or (I’m putting it politely here) shut up!

    What about a Japanese stack in 6 on J2 makes USA suspicious? Why does USA know automatically that when Germany does a fairly standard sealion until G3, they are coming for the USA?

    Speaking of shut up the original post states that the Italians are in Sz92

  • @mantlefan:


    At the end of J1 if America feels treatened they simply upgrade their Western IC. That will eliminate any Japanese threat and with Japan throwing themselves off a cliff trying to engage the USA it would make it soooooooooooooo easy for India to liberate the Burma road etc, etc>>>>>>>>>>>>

    The most dangerous thing that could happen to Japan is a UK declaration, which simply won’t happen UK1, and if it happens UK2 (it will happen UK3), there’s not too much to worry about outside of the hong kong infantry and landing maybe formosa.

    What happens when the Russians kick down Japan’s back door? Grab your ankles and take a deep breath!

  • Mantlefan you starting more problems?

    Didn’t we get enough the last time?

  • Customizer

    Huh… it appears that Idi Amin is the one who hopped on this thread and started trolling…

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