Charlie Sheen
What the poll says.
I went to school with him ( in high school). He was in my Government class which was required for 12th grade. He sat in the back and cheated off anybody and never studied or asked any questions. He failed and dropped out of high school and had a BMW from 11th grade on. He usually left early and skipped the last 2 classes. His real name is Charlie Estevez which was his mothers name and he lived with her. When he left school and turned 18 he changed it too sheen.
Rob Lowe was another guy as well as Chris Penn ( dead). These were all good friends since 7th grade and for the most part stuck together. I used to get in full blown fights with Chris Penn BTW.
Rob and Chris both graduated to my knowledge, while Charlie did not. Got a good laugh at him when i found out when the list was made public.
I went to school with him ( in high school). He was in my Government class which was required for 12th grade. He sat in the back and cheated off anybody and never studied or asked any questions. He failed and dropped out of high school and had a BMW from 11th grade on. He usually left early and skipped the last 2 classes. His real name is Charlie Estevez which was his mothers name and he lived with her. When he left school and turned 18 he changed it too sheen.
Rob Lowe was another guy as well as Chris Penn ( dead). These were all good friends since 7th grade and for the most part stuck together. I used to get in full blown fights with Chris Penn BTW.
Rob and Chris both graduated to my knowledge, while Charlie did not. Got a good laugh at him when i found out when the list was made public.
I read on Wikipedia that Charlie was actually expelled because of his grades and attendance.
I guess I would vote ‘OTHER’
Actors think they are so special. Why? I never got that. They are merely spewing words others have written, it’s not like they are their own thoughts. Yes, there are actor/writers, but that’s a smaller subset of the actor pool. There’s plenty of bad actors out there who make allot of money. It just goes to show you that it’s not what you know, but more of who you know.
I contend just about anyone could be an actor. Being a GOOD actor with many different roles is a bit harder to achieve.
Narcissistic people bother me. What makes them so special? Money? bah! There’s more to life than money.
Charlie Sheen insults his audience (calls his viewers trolls, rubs his money / success in our faces, etc) and then turns around and collects money from them for two shows (detroit & chicago). Why oh why would people pay to see this dolt?
If we could just ignore his idiocy, he may go away.
He was in my Government class which was required for 12th grade. He sat in the back and cheated off anybody and never studied or asked any questions. He failed and dropped out of high school and had a BMW from 11th grade on. He usually left early and skipped the last 2 classes. His real name is Charlie Estevez which was his mothers name and he lived with her. When he left school and turned 18 he changed it too sheen.
So basically, Charlie Sheen was a total success in life, after deliberately and utterly failing school. He makes lots of money, and lays lots of hot girls, including Denise Richards. And his scholastic abilities had nothing to do with it.
That’s a good story, school is for chumps.
I make more in construction management, than most provinical or municipal government officials, and some doctors. With absolutely no education (We’ll my degree in computer science isn’t really doing anything for me), I’m not even close to hitting the financial cieling that some of my peers are at. Whereas many of my friends are struggling to make ends meet, as police officers, paramedics, teachers, etc. That PROVES school doesn’t matter.
This is a good time to make the arguement that basic education is a malicious tool of the government, and failures of society, to convince you that being a tax slave, working for someone else, and peaking out at $60,000 a year in your 40’s, is somehow what you are supposed to do with your life, all because - as educational instituions seem to put it so well, they want you to think there is no god, you should hate your country, and you don’t need your family.
Free yourself from this terrible mantra, and find your own way. Charlie did, even though he is/was a total screw up.
Free your mind.
What is really important in life? What make it worth living? Gar made a good point that education won’t necessarily do it; it won’t even necessarily bring money. Money also doesn’t necessarily make it worth living, as many actors, sports stars, etc. dripping with cash wind up crashing (hopefully Charlie won’t wind up there as has Lindsey Lohan).
Family? Relationships? Charlies many marriages seem to indicate no, but then he continues to try (this time with two “goddesses”).
But IF school will bring a sense of accomplishment, or will bring sufficient money for the comfort you want (which is a risk, just as is starting your own business or any endeavor) then I say go for it.
Is Charlie Sheen really getting what he wants? Or just what he thinks he wants? Time will tell, but I hope he is able to pull his life together…if not for his sake, then for the sake of his kids who deserve better from him.
Charlie was only successful because of his father, Martin Sheen who got him the role in Platoon.
Having no education does not mean you wont succeed, but having education gives you a much greater chance to have success.
If it were not true the entire human History that involves higher education would be some form of tricks, and the success of people who used their education for great things would not be possible.
Doctors and Lawyers as well as scientists not going to school and lacking training, would be doing surgery or arguing case law out of a book… just fliping the pages on how to reconstruct the heart valve.
I feel people who can’t cope with education or have the capacity for the same, just end up working with their hands most of their life, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Some people build or construct and others design or invent new ways of doing the same.
But Charlie is getting just what Dad gave him and still is.
I contend just about anyone could be an actor. Being a GOOD actor with many different roles is a bit harder to achieve.
Just a bit. :roll:
To a certain degree skill at acting is winning the genetic lottery much like athletics or being a musician or singer. Have you ever watched “American Idol?” Acting is like that. There is the ‘talent’ part and there is the ‘hard work’ part. There is a considerable amount of training and practice and work involved. The ‘talent’ part let’s you get more out of the hard work. I’ve spent some time in community theater and way way fewer than “just about anyone” can be an actor.
Although there are no doubt many fine scripts that have been ruined by an actor’s ego no one goes to a film to see the screenwriter.
And being famous is often just being in the right place at the right time.
If we could just ignore his idiocy, he may go away.
Much like Sarah Palin.
So basically, Charlie Sheen was a total success in life, after deliberately and utterly failing school. He makes lots of money, and lays lots of hot girls, including Denise Richards. And his scholastic abilities had nothing to do with it.
That’s a good story, school is for chumps.
I make more in construction management, than most provinical or municipal government officials, and some doctors. With absolutely no education (We’ll my degree in computer science isn’t really doing anything for me),
School does matter. There are just different kinds of schools and different things that are to be learned there. There will always be a demand for tradesmen/craftsmen (like actors.) But even craftsmen are not uneducated. It is simply an education with a narrow focus. And even at that I find it unlikely that you apply nothing you learned in acquiring your CS degree in your construction trade if only ‘sticktoitness.’ I don’t do literal algebra everyday but I use the problem solving skills I learned daily.
winning! duh!