You guys need to get your head out of the way the old games were played. A capital falling is less of a deal these days.
The game isn’t over JUST because Russia dies either. If the Allies hold Paris, Rome, or Egypt the Axis is SOL. Same goes for the Pacific, is the game over because India gets conquered? No. And nothing seems WRONG to me at all. The game is well balanced.
People fail to realize that because of the scale of the game, Capitals falling - aren’t as end game as they used to be.
I’m struggling to understand your point of contention. You are saying that you don’t want to see sea lion, and it’s the best axis strategy - nothing allies can do, but then you also say that if U.K. plays it right, sea-lion is “Disasterous” for Germany. Is that not a total contradiciton? And an admission that the game is dependant on your player strategy? And not the setup?
What’s the hope you guys are looking for? Add 10 inf to England to make sea-lion TOTALLY impossible? Wow thanks for reducing the game options. That’s what makes global great, the Axis can go in whatever direction they like to shoot for the win, not engage in a scripted out roll fest.
And that doesn’t seem wrong to you? The Axis lost the game because they conquered England?
It depends on what it cost the axis to take england in the first place.