• I really don’t care who I play as. Maybe I will when I set up the game and see all those units and possibilities…… :-o

  • I voted Germany because overall they have the greatest challenge in playing the game well. I think they are very fun to play with. Overall… I could care less as long as it is one of the 6 major nations. I don’t want to, and won’t be, stuck playing a sideshow like France or China.

  • @LHoffman:

    I voted Germany because overall they have the greatest challenge in playing the game well. I think they are very fun to play with. Overall… I could care less as long as it is one of the 6 major nations. I don’t want to, and won’t be, stuck playing a sideshow like France or China.

    I’d actually have to guess the UK is the biggest challenge in G40. If Germany throws a solid sized air force into france, they can reach anything that decides to land on the shores of europe, making an invasion into France a challenge. In Africa, they start a bit outmatched by Italy, and have no shot in contending with the Italian navy’s ability to reinforce Africa. Then we all know of India vs. Japan’s massive air force.

    They start off with a challenge on 3 different fronts, whereas Germany is 2, and you could argue 1 at a time until late game.

  • @kdfsjljklgjfg:


    I voted Germany because overall they have the greatest challenge in playing the game well. I think they are very fun to play with. Overall… I could care less as long as it is one of the 6 major nations. I don’t want to, and won’t be, stuck playing a sideshow like France or China.

    I’d actually have to guess the UK is the biggest challenge in G40. If Germany throws a solid sized air force into france, they can reach anything that decides to land on the shores of europe, making an invasion into France a challenge. In Africa, they start a bit outmatched by Italy, and have no shot in contending with the Italian navy’s ability to reinforce Africa. Then we all know of India vs. Japan’s massive air force.

    They start off with a challenge on 3 different fronts, whereas Germany is 2, and you could argue 1 at a time until late game.

    Agreed. But I will say that Germany sustains that challenging aspect throughout the game, whereas for Britain the threat of utter besetment by her enemies levels off after the first 2 turns. Once the United States can come to the rescue, Germany is in trouble. I haven’t played G40 so I can’t say for certain how well my assesment applies to that game, but in past games, this is the way it goes for the UK. While she can lose many of her world holdings and not suffer direct threat, the same is not true for Germany.

  • Germany, it’s so much to try invade England in the first few rounds and knock them out.

  • @munchie19:

    Germany, it’s so much to try invade England in the first few rounds and knock them out.

    It really is. I have never tried putting all German resources into fighting England on the first few turns… because I don’t think it is a viable strategy. Maybe I am wrong.

    Has anyone experienced a Sealion attack actually working regularly?

  • not regurally. but I have done it once. Luck they left england with 2 inf and a fighter and i had 2 trans 4inf and a bomber. I won. game ended after that because Russia and US dident wanna play after that.

  • @Proud:

    not regurally. but I have done it once. Luck they left england with 2 inf and a fighter and i had 2 trans 4inf and a bomber. I won. game ended after that because Russia and US dident wanna play after that.

    Yeah, that’s what I mean. I have done it before too, probably 3 or 4 times total in my many games played… It is not a viable planned strategy. I would say 3 out of those 4 happenings were flukes: involving good rolling or unthought of / unseen routes for attack. The other one was a crazy round the world invasion by Japan after Britain was left with IPCs from just England… so that one was planned, but they couldn’t do anything about it anyway.

    Any moderately intelligent player would see an amphibious assault coming and prepare for it. And for the most part, Britain is very capable of defending.

  • Definitely Japan!  Being the trigger man on when the US enters the war should make for some interesting leverage over my Axis “partners”!  :wink:

    I honestly think G40 is going to completely re-work the way you play the Pacific compared to how its currently played in the standalone version.  That - for me - is pretty exciting considering I nearly always play as Japan anyway.

    Im also anxious to see just how the non aggression rules with the USSR play out on other fronts.

  • tbh, i’d be happy with just italy too
    they’ve a lot of objectives
    perhaps some france

  • Italy. For the novelty factor alone.
    I like problem-solving, and Italy is bound to have more problems than the proverbial one-armed paper hanger…
    Plus, it looks like there’ll finally be something interesting to do in Africa, with so many French and British units around to roll up.

  • @Make_It_Round:

    Italy. For the novelty factor alone.
    I like problem-solving, and Italy is bound to have more problems than the proverbial one-armed paper hanger…
    Plus, it looks like there’ll finally be something interesting to do in Africa, with so many French and British units around to roll up.

    I’d like Italy because they aren’t all over the place, they basically have only 1 front and they can have a fun and challenging time taking over Africa. Very little stress. They can just do what they like and support the Germans as needed… What a life!

  • The UK, for sure. The Brits have always been a favorite for me, since they can strike at anywhere around the world given enough resources. In Global, Japan’s restricted to Asia, Germany to Europe. (LOL at those who say Japan can transfer planes to Europe and not hurt itself in that way.) The USA is also in Europe and the Pacific but they start far from the action. The USSR’s goal is to simply survive, and I’m not into life-and-death struggles on a titanic scale like that. China, France and ANZAC are too minor to play as.

  • @LHoffman:


    Italy. For the novelty factor alone.
    I like problem-solving, and Italy is bound to have more problems than the proverbial one-armed paper hanger…
    Plus, it looks like there’ll finally be something interesting to do in Africa, with so many French and British units around to roll up.

    I’d like Italy because they aren’t all over the place, they basically have only 1 front and they can have a fun and challenging time taking over Africa. Very little stress. They can just do what they like and support the Germans as needed… What a life!

    I probably won’t be Italy first… but they’d be fun to play with as you could experiment a good bit… with what to attack and where to go. You could play as Italy the first time and learn what not to do with other powers by just watching everyone else. Then you’d be more prepared when you play again.

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