Hi @general-kromwell there’s some current discussion on new games here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39599/more-announcements-from-renegade
Travel Axis & Allies set?
Here is the final copy of the map, hopfully the rules come out soon! :-D
Maybe it’s just my monitor contrast settings, but Albania and Turkey are very difficult to distinguish from the sea zones because they’re all in very similar dark colours. Perhaps the sea zones could be changed to a medium or pale blue? This would also help to see the black dividing lines between the sea zones, which are hard to see in the northern part of the map.
sorry but because of the way the program works I can’t adjust the sea color without having to adjust or redraw all the islands and sea zone lines :-( :cry:
If it’s easier, an alternative would be to change the colour of Turkey and Albania to something lighter, and to make the colour of the sea zone separation lines white rather than black.
ok I will have a new map up tomorrow and if all goes well the rest of the game will be done by monday! :-)
Awesome looking map, I can’t wait to see what the game looks like when finished.
Hey Spartan, did you ever think about making an Iwo Jima, Okinawa, or Singapore battle maps? That could have some potential…
The size is good for the kind of “mini” A&A game being considered: 16 territories (I’m including the Aegean Islands, but excluding neutral Turkey) and 20 sea zones. Enough space for decent maneuvering, while at the same time compact enough to keep things simple and short, plus ample opportunity for both land and naval actions (with air support in both areas).
A couple of typos: “Centreal” rather than Central Greece, and “Agean” rather than Aegean. And I think the Albanian capital is supposed to be spelled Tirana.
In terms of the rules, a good approach might be to have four nations: the Greeks and the British on one side, and the Germans and Italians on the other. That way, the basic two-player game could potentially be stretched into a three-player or four-player one which could perhaps serve as a miniature introduction (for new players) to what a multi-player game like Global 1940 is like. Four is a manageable number at this scale. The Bulgarians participated in the Battle of Greece, but adding them would complicate matters unnecessarily, as would splitting the Commonwealth forces into U.K. and ANZAC components.
Anyway, looks good so far, and the revised map improves nicely on the first version.
Technically Tirana is the Albanian spelling but the english is Tirane, so it doesnt really matter.
When you finish your rulebook, can you post it? Id like to take a look at your extra ideas.
Hey I just found a new one for Spartan to work on. The Battle of the Coral Sea. Takes place with ALL PLANES! Interested? It could be a good difference… :mrgreen:
sorry but because of the way the program works I can’t adjust the sea color without having to adjust or redraw all the islands and sea zone lines :-( :cry:
I was wondering what program do you use again?
Hey Spartan, did you ever think about making an Iwo Jima, Okinawa, or Singapore battle maps? That could have some potential…
Singapore is taken:http://www.fieldmarshalgames.com/field-marshal-games-accesories/worldsforge-field-command/field-command-singapore-1942.html
Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Coral Sea have potetial -
ok cool. If you get anything let me know. :-D
I worked on the map for a bit:
Somebody should do a battle for france game 1940. At least it would be more than 1 turn game, unlike G40
I don’t have mediafire, is it a good thing to get?
media fire is just a file sharing site, if you want you can get a free account but it doesn’t really matter. :-)
here is Axis and Allies Express: Greece 1.5 http://www.mediafire.com/?lpw7p8q263mumw9
Comments anyone?
I worked on the map for a bit:
Nice map like the font you used for Greece on the bottom of the page, but I don’t like how big SZ 10 is, or how Albania is green :-(
media fire is just a file sharing site, if you want you can get a free account but it doesn’t really matter. :-)