I am not arguing necessarily the historical accuracy of this victory condition, but rather how it changes the feel of the game. I would rather if the Allies felt serious consequences for throwing everything into one theatre, rather than losing to a mediocrely powerful and unopposed Japan. The changed NOs help this. Really, I think the US NOs should be changed to this, when at war:
1. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling the West Indies and Johnston Island.
2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling 5 of the 7 following islands: Midway, Wake, Marinaras, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomon Islands and Guam.
3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling the Philippines.
4. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.
5. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Mexico, Southeast Mexico, West Indies and Panama.
6. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Brazil and the Line Islands.
7. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Hawaii.
So, if America goes all out Europe, they could lose every NO to Japan. If they go all out Japan, they could lose 15 IPCs in NOs to the Axis. If they do the balancing act they were supposed to they could get 35 IPCs from NOs.
Then take out the vc change.