In my games against chompers I have been the allies twice, and the axis once. I lost both games I played as the allies and won the game I played as axis.
I do believe the game is now very much in favor of the axis though I like it much better than the out of box set up. In out of box set up the allies pretty much always won. In the new set up I find it hard as the US to send anything to the Atlantic but if I don’t then I get beat in Europe. Japan can now hurt the US economy big time and force them to build land units if the Pacific is ignored. We have found that when playing Japan if you buy mostly Navy and some transports to take the money islands, combined with Japan’s huge starting Navy that it forces the US to spend just about all of it’s points in the pacific to stop Japan from getting out of hand.
I think the allies need a little something added to them now so they have a chance to achieve their victory conditions. While I understand almost no one plays until allies have taken over all three axis capitals there needs to be a way the allies can respond to the axis and still form a long term plan to capture at least one axis capital and hold it. This would give the allies a chance to achieve a victory.
I have a suggestion. One is to give the allies a special rule where once per game they could conduct a multinational attack. This would represent the allies getting together and planning something of the likes of D Day. Or it could represent an alternate history such as the Anzac, Pacific UK, and US joining up together to wage a battle for Tokyo. There would be some options. This would keep the game where it is the allies responding to the axis but would open a window for the allies to also play to win rather than just playing defense of the victory cities.
The rule for the multinational attack would allow the allies countries to all attack at once as one force in any allied turn against a single axis controlled territory but the allies could only manage to plan this once per game due to the complexity of planning and organizing such a major military operation.
Do anyone feel this is a good idea that would balance the game more? Maybe the rule could be tweaked to give the axis some ipcs to immediately place once the multinational attack is declared to represent them spying out the attack is coming and marshalling together extra forces. This way the special rule might not become too overpowering to be abused.
Any feedback would be appreciated.