@panther Awesome! Thank you!
Now the question becomes: does Triple A allow Russia to declare war on Germany at the beginning of Rd 3. I’ll have to go back and see. It should allow them to declare war on Germany once Italy attacked the Rd before.
is A&A 1940 global really worth it??? i heard it cost between 120$ and 180$.
I love the game. Then again I own about 6 of their bored games lol.
really I like the “joined” game more than either Europe or Pacific alone. It takes a long time to play though.
IF I only could own one Axis & Allies game it would be Anniversary. Never thought I would say it, but the game is plenty complicated and plays quicker.
Depends on what your looking for but if you like Axis and Allies then it is well worth it. The game is fantastic and while it does take a little longer to play it is incredible. I wouldn’t consider not having it.
Yes it is worth it.
Europe 59.99 @ CSI
Pacific 59.99 @ CSI
Total 119.98
The War Game: World War II similar in size. Initial Price point was similar.
Simply put … Yes.
Spend the extra money and get what you really want.
Yes, but you need the play group (up to 7 ppl) and time (up to 14 hours or more than 1 day) to play it.
Very worth it. I think its the best AA yet
I’ll weigh in. Everyone’s situation is different. In my case, with four preschool children I don’t have enough time to play the game, any game very often. What I think I am going to have to do is play it as an ongoing game with it set up in the basement. I must say that I would love to play it all the way through.
If you are the type of person that needs to finish the game in one night, this game might not be for you. If you have the time or can/will leave it set up,
I agree that the answer depends on individual preferences and requirements. In my case, I think Global is far and away the best A&A game published to date in terms of the range of sculpts it offers (eight nationalities, including France for the first time, and multiple equipment types for each nation, including the new tac bombers and mech infantry) and in terms of the game board. Of all the commercially-published WWII-style game boards that I own, Global 1940 is the one I like best in terms of its huge size, attractive design, good level of detail and (small qualifier inserted here) reasonable accuracy. I have a few quibbles with the inaccuracies that do exist (things like spelling errors, the national status of some territories, and the fact that the map doesn’t line up properly when you fit together the two halves of North America), but they’re quibbles that I can live with and for which I’ve to some extent compensated by the way I’ve installed the boards on my wargaming table. Overall, I think it’s a game map that looks great and works well, and which is way better than any other published one I’ve seen to date. So I’m very happy to own Global 1940, and I’d feel deprived if I had to go back to pre-Global days.
You will not ask is it really woth it when you see it set up in all its glory. My group just sat in awe of its beauty for about 20 min. afraid to disturb the spell it had cast upon us. It does kill a whole day though.
You will not ask is it really woth it when you see it set up in all its glory. My group just sat in awe of its beauty for about 20 min. afraid to disturb the spell it had cast upon us. It does kill a whole day though.
Playing Axis and Allies doesn’t kill a day it makes it better
This is the game of games.
Everyone of my playgroup was amazed.
Normaly I don’t by a second copy of a game, but I will buy one A&AE1940 + A&AP1940 for Christmas. :-)
Best A&A ever! This game is to AA50 as AA50 is to MBs 1984 edition.
As for the price, AA50 will cost you hundreds of dollars, and this is way better. If you compare the price of A&A to a Wii, golfing, or cable TV, A&A is an incredible bargain. I’ve played four games, and the price for playing is so far about six dollars an hour, plus my buddies played for free. This rate can only get lower. Entertainment doesn’t come cheaper unless it’s free.
As long as you have people to play it with.
If you have no one to play it with…. well, let somebody else spend the money and use their game when you can.
You will not ask is it really woth it when you see it set up in all its glory. My group just sat in awe of its beauty for about 20 min. afraid to disturb the spell it had cast upon us. It does kill a whole day though.
Playing Axis and Allies doesn’t kill a day it makes it better
I do believe it’s worth it, but at the same time, I find A&A50 the better game (ease and relative quickness of play)
I’ve played four games, and the price for playing is so far about six dollars an hour, plus my buddies played for free.
$6.00 bucks an hour?!?! At the rate my buddies drink - it is costing me $6.00 every ten minutes!