I also found another way to print these cards individually directly on a card printing website, in Bridge card size. Presented at the link:
ABs & NBs a great evolutionary step for A&A
The introduction of Air bases & Naval bases to me, has got to be one of the greatest additions to the Axis & Allies franchise ever… it truly defines 1940 Global as an A&A Edition that can say… “My game board is so huge, I need units to extend the movement of units”. If Axis & Allies is “Terminator”, than Axis & Allies Global is “T2: Judgment Day”, and those bases are a huge part of it’s success.
And for people who want to upgrade from cardboard, HBG makes some nice acrylic markers for both base types.
I totally agree YoungGrasshopper. Also with the movie you mentioned T2 should have been the final one in that series. Made perfect sense for everything to end in that movie.
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