• I’ve been curious about this for a while: what are the arrow units for? And all the other ones to the right of the flag you use for the income tracker of British India?

  • Calvin - Arrows indicate neutrality status.  Right arrow = pro-Allies.  Down arrow = pro-Axis

    Func - Iraq is not spelled Irak

    Kenya and Tanganyika are backwards.  Kenya is north of Tangan.

  • @Funcioneta:

    Edit: also check Poland setup, because I’m not very sure of it

    3 infantry and a tank is correct for Poland.

  • French Ecuatorial Africa is properly spelled “Equatorial”

  • I wish you wouldn’t have changed the names of some of the territories.

    East Germany should be “Germany”
    Hungary should be “Slovakia”
    South Germany should be “Greater Southern Germany” (We’ll all abbreviate it anyway)
    East France should be “France”
    East Mexico should be “Southeast Mexico”

    There may be more, but I’m tired of looking.
    Changing names causes confusion between players who have the board, and those who don’t.


  • @gamerman01:

    Calvin - Arrows indicate neutrality status.  Right arrow = pro-Allies.  Down arrow = pro-Axis

    No, I made markers for pro-axis and pro-allies (as It says in the readme)

  • OK, seems that there are some minor errors here and there, as I guessed. I’ll fix them all when I get the real board. If would be handy if someone post a list of all the errors

    Errors regarding markers and setup are easy to solve, because all you have to do is modify start.aam

    However, errors regarding to the name of territories and so, those need coding and, worst, need redo the setup from zero (because of how AABattlemap works). I’d like doing all at the same time

    I think that ‘France’ will continue being named as ‘East France’, because it can be confusing with the name of France as playing power. Same goes to Germany/East Germany, UK/England, etc. In fact, I think that many of the territories have very bad names … Alberta-Shaskas-etc-etc? And why not West France? Or Stalingrad? Anyway, remember, this is only a beta  :-)

    Thanks to all for the input

  • @gamerman01:

    Kenya and Tanganyika are backwards.  Kenya is north of Tangan.

    Very good catch, Gamer. I don’t know how I made that error  :|

  • Back to my original question, what are all those arrows and military decorations for?

  • You should ask to Stoney, the person that did AAP40 module. I simply copy and pasted his toolbar and modified it a bit to include pro-axis and pro-allies markers

    Still, I think that they’re related to fleet gathering or such. The cool marker with oriental writing is for kamikazes

  • Every time I try to open the map ABattlemap crashes on me.  How do I get it to work?  Is there some newer version of ABattlemap that I need to be using?

  • @Funcioneta:

    However, errors regarding to the name of territories and so, those need coding and, worst, need redo the setup from zero (because of how AABattlemap works). I’d like doing all at the same time

    You do not need to redo the setup after changing the names of the territories.  You can cahnge the names of the territories very easily using “Sektor Editor”, tho at some point after making a lot of changes in sector editor you may want to create a new SektorInfo.txt for the sake of consistency.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Back to my original question, what are all those arrows and military decorations for?

    I don’t have Func’s module yet (I’m not on my computer right now), but I’ll guess what you’re referring to:
    the blue “military decorations” are task force markers: same idea as the task force cards in original AAP or marshalling circles in AAR boxed games (see "A Place for Your Forces")
    The other red markers are for whatever you want to use them for… reminders for yourself as you plan out moves, markers to highlight something you have a question about or want to point out to another player, etc.
    Does that answer your question?


    Every time I try to open the map ABattlemap crashes on me.  How do I get it to work?  Is there some newer version of ABattlemap that I need to be using?

    Try reinstalling ABattlemap using HolKann’s installer.

  • @Stoney229:

    the blue “military decorations” are task force markers: same idea as the task force cards in original AAP or marshalling circles in AAR boxed games

    Ah, that’s good to know.  I used them sometimes to mark movement points.  But a task force marker will be needed after a few rounds when there’s a huge stack on Gibraltar (for instance).

  • @Stoney229:


    However, errors regarding to the name of territories and so, those need coding and, worst, need redo the setup from zero (because of how AABattlemap works). I’d like doing all at the same time

    You do not need to redo the setup after changing the names of the territories.  You can cahnge the names of the territories very easily using “Sektor Editor”, tho at some point after making a lot of changes in sector editor you may want to create a new SektorInfo.txt for the sake of consistency.

    I tried doing so, but it crashed … maybe I did something bad?

  • Very handy…Thanks

  • Thanks Stoney.  That install file actually did fix a couple of big glitches with ABattlemap that I’ve had to deal with in the past.  Unfortunately, it still crashes when I try to open Funcioneta’s map.  :cry:

  • another small one I noticed: ANZAC NO Marker in Nte should only give 3 IPC for ANZAC & Malaya instead of 5

    before I forget: thanks for the map, great tool to work out some ideas… :-D

  • @plumsmugler:

    Thanks Stoney.  That install file actually did fix a couple of big glitches with ABattlemap that I’ve had to deal with in the past.  Unfortunately, it still crashes when I try to open Funcioneta’s map.   :cry:

    It works great on mine… are you sure you’re installing the module correctly?  Delete what you have. download the .zip again, extract it, and the move the “F40.gim” folder to your abattlemap directory with all the other .gim folders.




    However, errors regarding to the name of territories and so, those need coding and, worst, need redo the setup from zero (because of how AABattlemap works). I’d like doing all at the same time

    You do not need to redo the setup after changing the names of the territories.  You can cahnge the names of the territories very easily using “Sektor Editor”, tho at some point after making a lot of changes in sector editor you may want to create a new SektorInfo.txt for the sake of consistency.

    I tried doing so, but it crashed … maybe I did something bad?

    I don’t know what to tell you here… changing names of sectors using sector edittor and doing nothing else should not cause problems as far as I know - either you’re doing something else or there’s something I’m unaware of in the program.

  • Func, thank you again for getting this ready Monday.

    Another NO that isn’t worded correctly - the Russian 6 IPC NO’s.  You don’t get them for “no Axis in USSR”, there must be no USSR original territories controlled by the Axis.

    UK NO - All original territories controlled (not just ANZAC and Canada)
    ANZAC NO - 3 IPC’s, not 5
    Germany Egypt NO - 3 IPC’s, not 5
    UK NO - No German subs on board (not no subs in Atlantic)
    USSR at war NO - Z125 (not 127), must control Archangel (not listed)
    Italy NO - No enemy SURFACE warships in Med

    Also, I still think all the territory names should match the gameboard.  For one thing, to Americans it’s important to call Normandy, Normandy and not West France.  Also “East Germany” is a post-war name for after Germany was split between Soviets and the West, so seems silly in a WWII game.

    Thanks again.

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