@CWO-Marc No problem, I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a $29.00 can of paint that would never bu used. I already had the Sakrete from a Hyphatufa planting pot I made. So there ya go. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures from my IPad to this forum I’ll update it.
AAA50th painted minis
Soviet fighters:
Japanese Infantry
Japanese fighters:
A6M2 Zero-Sen (Zero)
Japanese bombers:
G4M2E Model 24 J (Betty)
Japanese artillery:
Model 92/70mm Howitzer
Japanese tanks:
Type 95 Kyugo
Japanese transports:
Hakusan Maru Class
Japanese subs:
I Class
Japanese destroyers:
Fubuki Class
Japanese cruisers:
Myoko Class
Yamato Class
Shinano Class
This is some pretty hard-core stuff Viracocha… how long does all of this take you?
Again waw! Those japanese and italian infs!
Are you by any chance a veeeeeeery small person? :-D
Between you and Allworknoclay, completely awe inspiring.
I’m definately using this work as a reference for mine (which I hope to start next month)!
I think we need a you tube video on how to paint this stuff.
I don’t understand how it looks that good, unless it takes you an hour to make one ship?
Perhaps a step by step guide: paints and brushes required and technique. Dry brushing and tips on doing many at one time.
I think we need a you tube video on how to paint this stuff.
I don’t understand how it looks that good, unless it takes you an hour to make one ship?
Perhaps a step by step guide: paints and brushes required and technique. Dry brushing and tips on doing many at one time.
That’s a good idea - I was planning such a project for the FMG pieces. No… not an hour, hard to pin it down because I do them in sets (all these hulls will have the same color, all these decks, etc.). Kinda curious how long it takes as well. It is really a lot easier than folks imagine (pending on how detailed and if one uses decals) - I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of other people’s cool paint jobs in the future - kinda excited to put up some helper posts or video… :lol:
United Kingdom infantry
Brit. subs:
S-Class (Scorchers)
Brit. transports:
Liberty Class
Brit. destroyers:
Tribal Class
Brit. Cruisers:
County Class
Brit. Carriers:
Illustrious Class
Brit. Artillery:
QF 25 (25 pounders)
Brit. battleship:
Royal Oak Class
British Tanks!
Oh Matilda…
More British tanks :-D
The A-Bomb