• @majikforce:

    Germany parks a sub in SZ 110 on their turn with no UK destroyer present.�  UK builds a Destroyer on their turn in 110.�  On Germany’s next turn does the sub have the option of moving out of that sea zone?�  Thanks!

    Yes.  It must move out in the combat movement phase, even if it does not move into combat.  It is one of the instances where a combat move does not have to result in combat (when enemy units are sharing your zone at the beginning of your turn - to escape combat)

    If you do NOT move out in the COMBAT MOVEMENT phase, you must conduct combat.

    See top of page 13

  • '22 '16

    Thanks Gamerman!  I don’t care what everyone says you are the BEST!

  • TripleA

    In the re-release is the setup exactly like A3?

    Russia needs to start with a bomber for this game.

  • Global noob question #66
    Once VC conditions are met on one side (Europe or Pacific) at the end of a round, the game is over period, correct?

  • @Mallery29:

    Global noob question #66
    Once VC conditions are met on one side (Europe or Pacific) at the end of a round, the game is over period, correct?

    yes.  If Germany captured the final city, and at the start of Germany’s next turn victory conditions are still met, the game is over.

  • @Mallery29:

    Global noob question #66
    Once VC conditions are met on one side (Europe or Pacific) at the end of a round, the game is over period, correct?

    Not at the end of a round, but a round after the victory conditions are initially met.

    If Italy takes over Egypt for the last city on I12, then the Axis haven’t won until I13, and then only if they never dipped below 8 victory cities between I12 and I13 at any time.
    The Axis does not win after France’s round 12 (the end of round 12).

  • @Gamerman01:


    Global noob question #66
    Once VC conditions are met on one side (Europe or Pacific) at the end of a round, the game is over period, correct?

    Not at the end of a round, but a round after the victory conditions are initially met.

    If Italy takes over Egypt for the last city on I12, then the Axis haven’t won until I13, and then only if they never dipped below 8 victory cities between I12 and I13 at any time.
    The Axis does not win after France’s round 12 (the end of round 12).

    hummmm…  I suppose I incorrectly thought that if in your example, if UK captured something but Germany captured it back, that the game was still over on I13 as conditions were still met.  you’re probably right.

  • I’m glad you posted that
    I really wasn’t 100% sure because the wording is ambiguous
    “The Axis wins by controlling either any 8 victory cities on the Europe map or any 6 victory cities on the Pacific map for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Axis capital at the end of that round”

    So because it says “for a complete round of play”, then “at the end of that round” must mean at the end of a complete round of play, not after France’s turn…

    But this wording does not specify whether you can ever dip below 8 (6) during that complete round.
    However, when I previously stated on this thread that the Axis could NOT dip below (because it says you must control 8 (6) cities FOR A COMPLETE ROUND of play) Krieghund never came on and said I was wrong.

    So the rule is actually that the Axis must MAINTAIN CONSTANT CONTROL of 8 (6) or more cities THROUGHOUT one complete round of play (from G to G, J to J, or I to I) at ALL TIMES.

    Note that it wouldn’t have to be the same 8 (6)!

    Axis control Paris, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Warsaw.
    On I15, the Italians take Egypt (8th city). � The “timer” starts.
    On G16, the Germans take London (9th city).
    On R16, the Russians liberate Stalingrad (back down to 8.)
    On J16, the Japanese take Ottawa (up to 9 again)
    On US16, the USA liberates Ottawa (back to 8.)
    On UK16, the UK liberates London (Axis down to 7)
    On I16, Italy re-captures London (Axis back up to 8.)

    The Axis HAVEN’T WON yet!
    They did not control 8 cities for (throughout) one complete round of play. The “timer” would start all over on I16 again, and the Axis have to maintain 8 cities at all times until I17.  If the UK does NOT liberate London or any other city on UK16, then the Axis would win when reaching I16.

    If I’m wrong, Krieghund should correct this.

  • Official Q&A

    You are 100% correct.

  • Ok, I figured there was some difference between that and 42, but then again, I never really played VC for 42…This helps a lot!

  • Confused about transporting allies
    Pored over the transport rules in the rulebook again, but not satisfied I know the answer to this question:

    I have 2 USA transports in Z110.  They are loaded with a UK AA on each and a French infantry on another, so there is one open infantry slot.

    Is it legal on UK’s noncombat to load 1 infantry onto the one transport that has an open slot, and also unload the 2 AA guns onto France?  So can you load one unit and unload another involving the same allied transport in a non-combat move?

  • @Gamerman01:

    Confused about transporting allies
    Pored over the transport rules in the rulebook again, but not satisfied I know the answer to this question:

    I have 2 USA transports in Z110.  They are loaded with a UK AA on each and a French infantry on another, so there is one open infantry slot.

    Is it legal on UK’s noncombat to load 1 infantry onto the one transport that has an open slot, and also unload the 2 AA guns onto France?  So can you load one unit and unload another involving the same allied transport in a non-combat move?


  • OK, thanks
    Yeah, I couldn’t find anything disallowing it, but I couldn’t find anything that said it was OK for sure, either
    Global presents these situations more often - I don’t think I’ve ever bridged allied units with half-loaded transports…

  • Oh, I do have a follow up question then.

    I couldn’t unload a UK AA from an American transport and also load that transport up with TWO UK units, right?  Because you couldn’t do that with your own….

  • @Gamerman01:

    Oh, I do have a follow up question then.

    I couldn’t unload a UK AA from an American transport and also load that transport up with TWO UK units, right?  Because you couldn’t do that with your own….

    No. Each slot can only be used by a single unit per turn - (plus restrictions by phase - in a transport is used during com an empty slot cannot be loaded or unloaded during non com)

  • Right - because once a transport unloads, it is always DONE for the rest of that power’s turn.

    Thanks!  I’m going to pencil this into my rulebook - that you can load a unit onto an ally’s transport and also unload a previously loaded unit from that same transport in your non-com phase.

  • Alpha3 SBR question
    After the air war, must ALL tacs and bombers be assigned targets?
    That is, can tacs, bombers be sent on SBR missions just for the air war or to deter defending fighters from even leaving the ground?
    To avoid AA fire, can some of them just return home and not be assigned targets?
    In other words, can Strat bombers and/or tacs basically be used as escorts for other tac bombers/Strats?

  • @Gamerman01:

    Alpha3 SBR question
    After the air war, must ALL tacs and bombers be assigned targets?
    That is, can tacs, bombers be sent on SBR missions just for the air war or to deter defending fighters from even leaving the ground?
    To avoid AA fire, can some of them just return home and not be assigned targets?
    In other words, can Strat bombers and/or tacs basically be used as escorts for other tac bombers/Strats?

    They cannot be sent if they don’t have a legitimate target.  You don’t have to declare what the target is until after interception is over, but it still needs a target that meets the requirements of the bomber (naval/airbase for tac, any ol’ thang for strats).  And after interception, even if it went unreasonably bad and you want to avoid AA, you can’t.  you’re very committed to the cause.  I consider it similar to an amphibious assault with bombardment more or less equivalent to the interception phase…  Bombardment might suck, but your boats are still putting the boots on the ground.  Similarly, interception might suck and hit half your wing, but you’re already diving/flying over the facilities and the AA is on its way up.

  • But you can take anything you want for casualties.
    I just flew a mission over West Germany with 2 fighters, 2 tacs and 2 bombers
    I really only wanted 1 tac to hit the airbase.  When I took a hit from 3 interceptors, I lost the tac, so effectively it was an “escort”.

    Are you sure about your answer?  I mean, has Krieghund or Larry clarified this previously that you read?  Because the Alpha3 rules as printed don’t say you have to assign all tacs and bombers to targets.

  • @Gamerman01:

    But you can take anything you want for casualties.
    I just flew a mission over West Germany with 2 fighters, 2 tacs and 2 bombers
    I really only wanted 1 tac to hit the airbase.  When I took a hit from 3 interceptors, I lost the tac, so effectively it was an “escort”.

    Are you sure about your answer?  I mean, has Krieghund or Larry clarified this previously that you read?  Because the Alpha3 rules as printed don’t say you have to assign all tacs and bombers to targets.

    They can be what I’d call “loophole escorts” and taken as casualties; as you say effectively an escort, but NOT an “escort” as defined by the rules of the game.  I’m almost completely 99.5% certain Krieg has weighed in and said once the bombers are sent they’re committed to every phase including AA (and therefore bombing) even if interception sucked.  and I’m certain that the rules state that Tacs cannot be sent as “escorts”.  So they must be sent against a valid target if they’re going to perform a strategic bombing run.  And they cannot be sent against a factory.

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