• If I was incorrect on that question, allweneed, Krieghund will correct
    I don’t know the answer for a fact because I don’t remember Krieg clarifying that one.

  • Does anyone know when Axis and Allies global comes out again?

  • There has not been any official answer as far as I’ve seen, but A&A 1940 Europe and Pacific have unofficially been said to be getting a reprint either Q3 or Q4 of this year. That is pretty much all the information that everyone has to go on at the moment.


  • TripleA

    1941 comes out in 20 days, do you really need a global reprint that soon?

    I am pumped for 1941. My kind of game, fast and furious. Screw global. after the 29th I will not play global for a long time (except for garg’s tournament).

    1941 looks to be like the best version of axis and allies ever. I mean look at the setup, it looks aggressive. The richest country is usa at 17 or 15, the way it should be.

    $23.99 for the best version of axis and allies, can’t pass that up. I mean sure I got to take some chips out of the global box (you get paper ones for 1941 and well screw that). take the industrial complex pieces out of revised and shove it in 1941. Hell yeah. I am ready. Ready to do this.

  • Will you use paper money, too, Cow?  Which game will you take it from?  :-)

  • TripleA

    probably the revised box. Probably use the OLD europe chips (not compatible with aa50 chips). I will take pieces from the revised box and shove it in 1941. They may look slightly different but who cares.
    the new board will probably see more play than global.

  • @Cow:

    probably the revised box. Probably use the OLD europe chips (not compatible with aa50 chips). I will take pieces from the revised box and shove it in 1941. They may look slightly different but who cares.
    the new board will probably see more play than global. we use poker chips for money, they never get blown off the table by ceiling fans, or any other wind.

  • TripleA

    japan can scramble if korea is amphi assaulted right?

  • Yes.  You can scramble from all territories with airbases that are adjacent to the sea zone with an amphibious assault

  • TripleA

    ah gotta tell veqryn, not letting me scramble when peeps hit up korea. I always thought it could, had to microphone check it. thanks.

  • anytime, cow - yw

  • I’ve a question about transports and subs. (I’m using the latest set of rules.) I know that a transport cannot conduct an amphib assault in a territory containing subs if the tran is not escorted by warships. However, can a transport NCM units onto a territory if the end sz contains an enemy sub? For example: I have two transports sitting in the sz that borders Iraq and Persia (sorry, can’t remember specific sz numbers right now) I want to transport those some men to Calcutta, but that sz has a jap sub in it. Can I make that ncm or not?

  • Yes, the sub restriction is for combat moves only - it is for amphibious assaults only.  Your non-combat move is fine and the yellow sub can be ignored.

  • Thanks so much Gamerman! :-D You guys wouldn’t believe the situation I’m in right now. I’m pulling every trick in the book to turn this game around. Luckily my opponent while skilled, isn’t quite at my level yet.  :evil:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    ah gotta tell veqryn, not letting me scramble when peeps hit up korea. I always thought it could, had to microphone check it. thanks.

    You can even double scramble if you have an AB on Korea as well.  A favorite trick of mine (mostly when I decide to go for a Europe win and mostly ignore America too the point I need my 6 kamikazees and 6 fighters to scramble to help defend the coast, but I digress.)

  • TripleA

    I will never put an airbase on korea, you can’t trick me into doing something silly.

  • if a transport starts the turn in a hostile seazone, then combat takes place in that seazone but the transport has not loaded or unloaded at all so its not assaulting anything, can it in non-com load a unit while in that seazone and move to another seazone to unload if you clear that seazone in combat?

  • @ghr2:

    if a transport starts the turn in a hostile seazone, then combat takes place in that seazone but the transport has not loaded or unloaded at all so its not assaulting anything, can it in non-com load a unit while in that seazone and move to another seazone to unload if you clear that seazone in combat?

    No.  Any ship in the seazone participates in combat - The transport is still a combatant but has no attack or defense.

    You have basically two options:
    A) Move the transport out of the seazone during the combat move.  It can load in another seazone, but only if the units are used for an amphibious assault THAT turn.  If you cannot amphibiously assault a territory using that transport, it cannot load ANYTHING that turn.  Once the combat phase is over the transport can not move any further, nor can it load any units during the noncombat phase because it was used during the combat phase.

    B) Leave the transport there, and it participates in the combat.  It can retreat with other units, if the other units came from a different seazone. It cannot load anything from the hostile seazone, and because it was used (during the combat phase as a participant) it cannot load anything or move during the noncombat phase.

  • Can never remember what’s allowed with mech infantry blitzing with tank
    Hasn’t been talked about for a long time here so I’ll ask again

    Does mech infantry have to be accompanied by a tank through both of the hostile territories when blitzing?  The rulebook only talks about the first hostile territory needing tank “escort”, not the second.
    Do mech have to start and end with the tank?  Can they come from 2 different starting territories, and THEN follow the same path?  Only the first hostile territory, or stay together through both?

  • Official Q&A

    They must start and end their movement in the same spaces.

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