• Question concerning coastal bombardment: if I would attack with 4 loaded transports and 10 cruisers, how many dice would I get to roll? 4 because I have 4 Units amph. assaulting the TT, or 2 because 2 transports?

  • If there are 4 UNITS, 4 rolls. If there are 4 transports carrying 8 units, 8 rolls.

    In other words, for each unit there can be 1 bombardment.

  • Thank you for the quick answer.

  • I’m a little confused…

    Landing in DEI is a non combat move for UK and ANZAC right? They don’t need a Warship escort.

    Do you always need an escort for an amphibious assault? Or only if there is an enemy Sub blocking?

  • Customizer





    three questions:

    1. In OOB I understand Kamikaze attacks perfectly. � However, I want to ask if there was any change to them for the latest Alpha +3?
    I am asking because from reading Alpha +3, it really sounds like Japan can make kamikaze attacks from the very start of the game, since the sheet mentions nothing about any conditions necessary to do the attacks (ie: having to wait for the allies to capture one of those ~4 islands).

    2. I do not understand the Japan - Russian relationship, in either OOB or Alpha+3.
    Does it work like this: Either Japan or Russia can declare war on each other, any time they want [beginning of combat move], from the start of the game?
    Besides the weird mongolian rules, that relationship has no effect on anything else….

    3. Is Mongolia part of the “Strict Neutrals”?�  I mean, if the axis attack Sweden or another strict neutral, do the mongolians become friendly to the Allies?�  If the allies attack mongolia, does Sweden then become friendly to the axis?
    And if Russia attacks a Japanese territory, like Manchuria, that borders Mongolia, and then Japan recaptures it, does Mongolia still convert to Russian?


    Krieg, any idea?

    Gamerman01 and kcdzim answered these questions on the previous page.  Is there something they didn’t cover to your satisfaction?

    1.  Kamikaze requirements changed between OOB and Alpha3.  There is no Allied capture of certain islands requirement anymore (Alpha2?)

    2.  Basically in OOB Russia or Japan can declare war on the other whenever they want at no penalty.  Later a penalty of 12 IPC’s was added to Russia if Japan attacked Russia (I think it was).  Now that’s gone and the weird Mongolian rules reign.  I stopped keeping track as soon as the weird Mongolian rules were introduced.  (I mean, really)

    Soviet/Japanese Non Aggression Pact: Due to their mutual border conflct with Japan in 1939, the Soviet Union and Mongolia have a special relationship. If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory, all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) that are still neutral are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception: If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union. In addition, the Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless one or more of them is attacked by the Soviet Union.

    Based on my reading of the current rules per the above Alpha 3 section on this:

    A: If Axis attacks Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will go Pro Allied.
    B: If Allies attack Strict Neutral (eg Sweden), Mongolia will remain an isolated Strict Neutral
    C: If Axis attacks Mongolia while Mongolia is still Strict Neutral, ALL Strict Neutrals (eg Sweden) will go Pro Allied.

    D: If Russia attacks a Japanese controlled territory adjacent to Mongolia, Mongolian territories will never ally themselves with Russia and remain an isolated strict neutral. This means that if Russia attacks Manchuria, Japan is completely free to respond and will NEVER anger the Mongolians unless Japan attacks mongolia directly. (hope for this).

    E: If Japan attacks a russian territory adjacent to Mongolia, but not a Mongolian territory, Mongolia lights up as Russian, activates all her infantry, and becomes russian controlled.  But if Japan attacks a russian territory AND mongolia during the same combat move phase, Mongolia is still a strict neutral and will change alliances of all strict neutrals. (don’t do that ever).

    No, just that kcdzim seemed not 100% sure of his answer.
    Thx for the clarification, krieg, gamer, kcdzim.

    Man these Mongolian rules are just plain nuts….

    to be more specific, they are very complicated and do not add anything to the game beyond complexity

    Ok, I do need further clarification:

    D. Do you mean that if Russia attacks a Japanese controlled Manchuria, that Mongolia stays neutral.  Then if Japan re-conquers Manchuria, Mongolia still stays neutral.  Then the next turn, if Japan conquers Amur, that Mongolia stays neutral still?

    F: If British or a non-Russian country attacks Sweden (strict neutral), then Mongolia will stay as neutral.  Then if Japan attacks Amur next turn, Mongolia will become Russian still?  Or stay as Neutral?


  • @Veqryn IDK
    You need escorts to do an assault IF there are surface warships belonging to a power with which you are at war in the sea zone. I assume this applies to NCM, but it may be Combat Move because UK could fight Japan.

  • @Veqryn:

    D. Do you mean that if Russia attacks a Japanese controlled Manchuria, that Mongolia stays neutral.  Then if Japan re-conquers Manchuria, Mongolia still stays neutral.  Then the next turn, if Japan conquers Amur, that Mongolia stays neutral still?

    Yes.  If Russia attacks Manchuria, Mongolia will NEVER flip to Russian controlled upon Japanese retaliation, anywhere at anytime.


    F: If British or a non-Russian country attacks Sweden (strict neutral), then Mongolia will stay as neutral.  Then if Japan attacks Amur next turn, Mongolia will become Russian still?  Or stay as Neutral?

    If any ally, including Russia, attacks Sweden (or any euro strict neutral), Mongolia will remain neutral.  However, if Japan attacks Amur the next turn, Mongolia will flip at the end of Japan’s combat move phase.  In this current rule set, It’s kind of a diplomatic one way street on the allied side.  If someone attacks Mongolia while it’s a strict neutral, it will flip every strict neutral on the european board.  But if the allies attacks a european neutral, it does nothing to the Pacific neutrals.  However, if the axis attack a strict neutral on the euro side, Mongolia will switch to pro ally.

  • Official Q&A


    Landing in DEI is a non combat move for UK and ANZAC right? They don’t need a Warship escort.

    Landing in Dutch territories is a noncombat move for any Allied power.


    Do you always need an escort for an amphibious assault? Or only if there is an enemy Sub blocking?

    You only need an escort if there will be a battle in the sea zone or if there are enemy subs there that you want to ignore.

  • I believe I already the answer to my question:

    When you build an IC, you cannot mobilize any units there until the next turn.

    You can build ICs in newly captured territories.

    I believe both of these statements are true.

  • @munchie19:

    I believe I already the answer to my question:

    When you build an IC, you cannot mobilize any units there until the next turn.Â

    You can build ICs in newly captured territories.

    I believe both of these statements are true.

    No.  When you build an IC, it must be on a territory that you controlled since the beginning of your turn.

  • I believe 1 is true, 2 is false…

  • Question regarding Kamikazes:

    Turn 21, UK moves into sea zone 6 and drops off men in American held Korea during non combat phase. Now, a massive multinational allied armada occupies z6.

    The following turn (22)…

    If UK picks up men from Korea, and amphibiously drops them on Japan. Does Japan get to launch Kamikaze’s at the DD and CV in sea zone 6 (Japan’s home waters), provided they did not move during the combat phase?

    I am aware that Japan, if they have surviving air units after USA hits them can still scramble to create a naval battle, but do they also get to Kamikaze as well if the only ships being activated are transports?

    If I have to, I will use Anzac forces to occupy the remnants of Japan and plunder their capital. I just have very few UK units to clear the sea battle from a scramble, and losing the cv and dd may disrupt the amphibious assault. Just curious.

    This also creates another question. As above, USA is in z6 on turn 21. On turn 22, when they begin the attack to seize Japan, if they only move 11 transports into z6 from Hawaii, and bridge 4 additional units in from Korea using 2 existing transports, and only send in 7 fighters to join the 10 fighters and 6 tactical bombers already in z6; Does Japan get to launch Kamikazes at the 8 cv’s, bb, 4 dd’s that occupy Japan’s sz6 at the end of the combat movement phase? Does scrambling change the answer?

    The rule book for Japan 1940 page 14 under Kamikaze attack state that “If an allied player has moved ships into one of the above sea zones, The Japanese player can announce during this phase that he or she intends to launch a kamikaze attack. A kamikaze attack can target any specific enemy surface warships (not submarines or transports.)”  We are using a3 which I assume automatically permits the use of Kamikaze regardless of the old activation rules. Does this mean they can target any specific enemy warship including UK, Anzac, and USA-[the active player] or just the US players ships?

    That sounds like if the U.S. moves ships (transports) it triggers the option to attack. It sounds like UK having not move ships into the zone would be immune. It also mentions that Kamikaze attacks can disrupt naval bombardment-which I assume requires me to move ships into the zone to trigger. Anyone clear on how all of this would work?

  • @JamesAleman:

    If UK picks up men from Korea, and amphibiously drops them on Japan. Does Japan get to launch Kamikaze’s at the DD and CV in sea zone 6 (Japan’s home waters), provided they did not move during the combat phase?

    If the UK is using her transports to transport UK ground units, and the DD and CV are UK, then yes.  To avoid combat, you’d have to move the DD and CV out during combat move or else they could be targeted.

    I am aware that Japan, if they have surviving air units after USA hits them can still scramble to create a naval battle, but do they also get to Kamikaze as well if the only ships being activated are transports?

    No, kamikazes can only target surface warships.

    If I have to, I will use Anzac forces to occupy the remnants of Japan and plunder their capital. I just have very few UK units to clear the sea battle from a scramble, and losing the cv and dd may disrupt the amphibious assault. Just curious.

    Situation not clear enough.  Not sure what you are doing.

    This also creates another question. As above, USA is in z6 on turn 21. On turn 22, when they begin the attack to seize Japan, if they only move 11 transports into z6 from Hawaii, and bridge 4 additional units in from Korea using 2 existing transports, and only send in 7 fighters to join the 10 fighters and 6 tactical bombers already in z6; Does Japan get to launch Kamikazes at the 8 cv’s, bb, 4 dd’s that occupy Japan’s sz6 at the end of the combat movement phase? Does scrambling change the answer?

    Japan could use kamikazes against any USA surface warships that are in Z6, yes.

    The rule book for Japan 1940 page 14 under Kamikaze attack state that “If an allied player has moved ships into one of the above sea zones, The Japanese player can announce during this phase that he or she intends to launch a kamikaze attack. A kamikaze attack can target any specific enemy surface warships (not submarines or transports.)”  We are using a3 which I assume automatically permits the use of Kamikaze regardless of the old activation rules.

    Yes, activation rules died with Alpha2

    Does this mean they can target any specific enemy warship including UK, Anzac, and USA-[the active player] or just the US players ships?

    I think you’re confused about the fact that only the power whose turn it is, is involved.  Kamikazes can be used against any nation, but only the nation whose turn it is.  If it’s the USA’s turn, only the USA surface warships can be targeted, because in Axis and Allies you can only carry out attacks with one power at a time.

    That sounds like if the U.S. moves ships (transports) it triggers the option to attack. It sounds like UK having not move ships into the zone would be immune. It also mentions that Kamikaze attacks can disrupt naval bombardment-which I assume requires me to move ships into the zone to trigger. Anyone clear on how all of this would work?

    Yes.  Moving a ship into the zone in combat movement phase triggers possibility of kamikazes, but only against the aggressor’s ships in that zone.

    Disclaimer:  I have not yet scoured over the Alpha3 rules, but I haven’t heard that kamikazes were changed by Alpha 3.

  • Official Q&A



    That sounds like if the U.S. moves ships (transports) it triggers the option to attack. It sounds like UK having not move ships into the zone would be immune. It also mentions that Kamikaze attacks can disrupt naval bombardment-which I assume requires me to move ships into the zone to trigger. Anyone clear on how all of this would work?

    Yes.  Moving a ship into the zone in combat movement phase triggers possibility of kamikazes, but only against the aggressor’s ships in that zone.

    It is combat that triggers kamikaze use, not combat movement.  This is a change in the Alpha rules from the box rules.

  • The last time I was caught up on this thread it was 87 pages.  Now it is 183 pages and I have read every single post as of today.  My brain hurts but I feel very informed.  Thanks to everyone for asking the questions that most of us probably hadn’t thought of yet or encountered in a game, but probably will someday.

  • Can units that were hit by shore bombardment fire back?

    And: I remember there was a rule concerning loaded transports… Something about that you can’t have them after combat move? I can’t remember correctly, can somebody help?

  • @ViribusUnitis:

    Can units that were hit by shore bombardment fire back?

    And: I remember there was a rule concerning loaded transports… Something about that you can’t have them after combat move? I can’t remember correctly, can somebody help?

    Yes, units hit by bombardment fire back.
    You can have a partially loaded transport after a combat move if it didn’t load that turn.  So if you want to only drop one unit in combat move and still have one loaded, you have to have loaded it in the previous turn.
    You can’t pick up two units with a transport during combat move and only drop one off that turn.

  • Ok, But wasn’t there more? There was something with the US where shipping between Philippines and Hawaii was the only exception…

    In NCM you can load a Trans and slowly ship the units around the world without ever having to unload them. But in CM you have to load and unload units in the same turn. Correct?

  • @ViribusUnitis:

    Ok, But wasn’t there more? There was something with the US where shipping between Philippines and Hawaii was the only exception…

    I have no idea what you’re talking about here, but I have yet to read the Alpha3 changes.

    In NCM you can load a Trans and slowly ship the units around the world without ever having to unload them. But in CM you have to load and unload units in the same turn. Correct?

    That’s what I said.  You can’t pick up two units with a transport in combat move and only drop off one.  If you picked up one or two units in combat move and didn’t drop off any, it wouldn’t be a combat move.  In NCM you could pick up two and drop off one, leaving one on board if you want.
    Yes, in NCM you can always leave units on board and “slowly ship the units around the world”.  There’s no requirement to drop units by the end of your turn.

    So does that clear it up for you?

  • Nah, not really. But doesn’t really matter. Looks like I understood something wrong. Thanks anyway.

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