• ok so to clarify and clear the confusion.lets not use the global as an example . If france is captured by germany,and uk moves its units into french equatorial africa, uk does not get the ipcs? uk must wait for Italy to capture the territory( french equatorial africa) and then recapture it in order to gain the ipcs?

  • Oh and another question. If I have an AA gun and a Major industrial complex in my capital and my opponent strategically bombs it. Do the AA Gun and the major industrial complex get to fire?Or only one of the two? Thanks for answering by the way .

  • Official Q&A


    If france is captured by germany,and uk moves its units into french equatorial africa, uk does not get the ipcs? uk must wait for Italy to capture the territory( french equatorial africa) and then recapture it in order to gain the ipcs?

    Correct.  Then it must hand the territory back over to France immediately if France (Paris) is liberated.


    If I have an AA gun and a Major industrial complex in my capital and my opponent strategically bombs it. Do the AA Gun and the major industrial complex get to fire?Or only one of the two?

    Only the industrial complex fires.  AA guns only fire in general combat.

  • Hi,

    I know I read this somewhere but can not seem to find it:

    My understanding is that there is one canal zone that subs can move through if not controlled by a friendly country. I seem to recall that this was Gibralter.

    Is this true? Are there any others?


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Submarines may pass through the Strait of Gibraltar regardless of control.  Surface warships must have Gibraltar under friendly control to pass from SZ 91 to SZ 92 or SZ 92 to SZ 91.

  • @Cmdr:

    Submarines may pass through the Strait of Gibraltar regardless of control.  Surface warships must have Gibraltar under friendly control to pass from SZ 91 to SZ 92 or SZ 92 to SZ 91.

    And as you like to do, Jenn, I will add some clarification…  :-)

    As with pretty much everything else in A&A, you must have had control of Gibraltar at the start of your turn.  That is, you can’t take Gibraltar over from the other side and then non-com through the Strait with surface ships immediately after taking it…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Submarines may pass through the Strait of Gibraltar regardless of control.  Surface warships must have Gibraltar under friendly control to pass from SZ 91 to SZ 92 or SZ 92 to SZ 91.

    And as you like to do, Jenn, I will add some clarification…  :-)

    As with pretty much everything else in A&A, you must have had control of Gibraltar at the start of your turn.  That is, you can’t take Gibraltar over from the other side and then non-com through the Strait with surface ships immediately after taking it…

    Yea, don’t that just suck?

  • Like my Dad always used to say, it’s fair for both!  :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Like my Dad always used to say, it’s fair for both!  :-)

    In the words of the whiney little bitches: “It’s equally unfair!”

  • Another question:

    For the chinese; if all (100%) chinese territory is taken but the chinese had money left over their previous round, is that money saved and can then be used if the chinese are then liberated in a future round? ie if the chinese had 3ipc before all their territory was taken then a single territory is liberated, can the chinese immediately use their previous 3ipc to drop an inf? Or is their money assumed lost if all territory is taken.


  • You are right.  China never has their money plundered.  You could save 20 or 30 IPC’s for the time when China is later liberated, and then drop 10 men on one territory.  Some day I will do that, to exploit the ability of China to buy unlimited men on a single territory at any time.

  • Some final questions :

    1. About convoy disruptions. How are convoy disruptions carried out in a seazone that is adjacent to TWO territories. e.g. sz101 adjacent to central and eastern us. If my enemy has like 5 subs and 3 destroyers,i would only lose 12 ipcs right?since the maximum loss is only 12 and not 20…
    us loses 25 ipcs , having to lose 12 for central US and 13 for eastern us, indicating that IPCs are lost for each territory.
    us simply loses 13 ipcs, maximum ipcs lost being 20

    2.And what if my ally and I control two territories adjacent to a seazone that conducts convoy disruptions. How are the IPCS subtracted? e.g. france controls southern france and uk controls spain while their are 3 italian destroyers in sz 93.

    3. Finally,isn’t the Turkish straits somewhat functioning like a canal since Greece and Turkey are connected?

    Thanks :)

  • @Krieghund:


    If france is captured by germany,and uk moves its units into french equatorial africa, uk does not get the ipcs? uk must wait for Italy to capture the territory( french equatorial africa) and then recapture it in order to gain the ipcs?

    Correct.  Then it must hand the territory back over to France immediately if France (Paris) is liberated.


    If I have an AA gun and a Major industrial complex in my capital and my opponent strategically bombs it. Do the AA Gun and the major industrial complex get to fire?Or only one of the two?

    Only the industrial complex fires.  AA guns only fire in general combat.

    So what if,in a very rare case,the AA Gun is targeted to be strategically bombed. It gets to fire back right? Thanks for clearing the mix up :)

  • or AA Guns cannot be strategically bombed? Sorry,i’m kinda confused with this

  • @dcandf5:

    Some final questions :

    1. About convoy disruptions. How are convoy disruptions carried out in a seazone that is adjacent to TWO territories. e.g. sz101 adjacent to central and eastern us. If my enemy has like 5 subs and 3 destroyers,i would only lose 12 ipcs right?since the maximum loss is only 12 and not 20…
    us loses 25 ipcs , having to lose 12 for central US and 13 for eastern us, indicating that IPCs are lost for each territory.
    us simply loses 13 ipcs, maximum ipcs lost being 20

    None of the above!  US loses 13, but the maximum would be 32.

    2.And what if my ally and I control two territories adjacent to a seazone that conducts convoy disruptions. How are the IPCS subtracted? e.g. france controls southern france and uk controls spain while their are 3 italian destroyers in sz 93.

    France loses IPC’s on France’s turn, and then the UK loses IPC’s on UK turn.  But this is only if those danged Italian destroyers are parked there at the end of France’s turn, and then the end of the UK’s turn.  Basically, the rule is you just check for convoy raiding when you’re collecting money with each power.  Enemy warships in your convoy zones?  Then subtract money collected accordingly.  So yes, a single sub could potentially disrupt income from more than one power (probably up to 3 or 4 are possible in some locations, I’d have to look.  But that’s just trivia) in a single round of play.  Convoy raiding is looking better all the time, no?

    3. Finally,isn’t the Turkish straits somewhat functioning like a canal since Greece and Turkey are connected?

    That’s right.  You have to own Turkey to go through.  Both sides of the Dardanelles are Turkey, so you don’t have to control Greece.

  • @dcandf5:

    or AA Guns cannot be strategically bombed? Sorry,i’m kinda confused with this

    This.  The only Strat bomb targets are industrial complexes and naval and air bases.  Note that in Alpha2 (I don’t think you could in OOB) Tac bombers can strat bomb bases, but not complexes.  (That is, in OOB Tac bombers can’t strat bomb anything at all)

    AA guns are now purely for air defense in conventional battles where there are attacking aircraft.  They are never involved in SBR’s.  In Alpha2 they only cost 5 instead of 6 because they are removed from play when captured (this was my suggestion to Larry, and he actually listened!  :-D  Although if I didn’t suggest it someone else was probably going to).  No more getting shot down by your own former AA gun!

  • hello people i am new here so excuse me if i ask an obvious question :-D
    since a submarine and air units cannot attack each other without destroyer what happen if say i had a submarine vs a fiter and a cruiser. i was the attacker and i scored a hit with my submarine. my opponent wanted to save his planes as he was preparing for a big attack on my capital. he chose his cruiser as a casualty. then,  the fighterr missed on his turn. what happens when a surviving submarine and fighter is in pplay. since they cannot fire at each other.

    how does an aircraft carrier move with respect to the planes on it moving as well? since aircraft carriers have 2 move space. do they add 2 move spaces to the planes on them? i am lost here. :(

    with that said:
    another question.i do not understand what is the significance of the aircraft carrier. my friend says that they’re advantages are for defending and if there are two fighters loaded onto it,the defense values of the carrier and planes are 4-4-2,being quite good.he also said that they allow planes to land.is that it? i dont find them very useful compared to like 2 destroyers.

    thanks !

  • thanks for your quick reply gamerman :)!

  • sorry guys another thought just hit me.
    I understand that destroyers cancel the surprise strike and submerse abilities of a submarine,but does the dd have to be present in combat?
    e.g. i have 1 destroyer and 1 battleship going up against 1 sub. if the sub gets lucky,rolls a one and if i chose to take my destroyer as a casualty,does the submarine sort of recover its surprise strike and submerse ability since the destroyer has been destroyed?meaning that it now attacks my battleship first and if it hits,it cant fire back.

  • @dcandf5:

    sorry guys another thought just hit me.
    I understand that destroyers cancel the surprise strike and submerse abilities of a submarine,but does the dd have to be present in combat?
    e.g. i have 1 destroyer and 1 battleship going up against 1 sub. if the sub gets lucky,rolls a one and if i chose to take my destroyer as a casualty,does the submarine sort of recover its surprise strike and submerse ability since the destroyer has been destroyed?meaning that it now attacks my battleship first and if it hits,it cant fire back.

    Yes, as soon as you lose your last destroyer, in the next round of combat the sub gets all of its special abilities back.  Submersible, and surprise strike…  As soon as you lose that destroyer, the sub can submerge the next round before you can fire again with the battleship.  If you really want to get the sub, you maybe should damage your battleship so it can’t get away.

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