• @Cmdr:

    Yes.  Casualties are removed at the end of each combat round.  Defending casualties are selected first, but they still remain for the completion of that round of combat, therefore, the destroyer would still be ‘present’ and able to locate the submarines for the fighters.

    Ok, thanks Jennifer, Im sure your right with your experience and all, but If I could get a 100% confirmation on this from Krieg it would be GREAT :lol:

  • @General:


    Yes.  Casualties are removed at the end of each combat round.  Defending casualties are selected first, but they still remain for the completion of that round of combat, therefore, the destroyer would still be ‘present’ and able to locate the submarines for the fighters.

    Ok, thanks Jennifer, Im sure your right with your experience and all, but If I could get a 100% confirmation on this from Krieg it would be GREAT :lol:

    Jennifer is right on this.  Not sure if my confirmation will satisfy you, and Krieghund authority is much > Gamerman, but I am 100% sure on this, if that helps.

  • Official Q&A


  • Thanks :-)

    A quick one: Since the UK controls the Canadian territories, can Germany attack these without provocing the US into war? Whatever the answer I assume the same goes for disrupting the convoy in sz 106, right?

    Thanks again!

  • Official Q&A


    Since the UK controls the Canadian territories, can Germany attack these without provocing the US into war?

    In the box rules, yes.  However, in Alpha taking these will provoke the US into war.


    Whatever the answer I assume the same goes for disrupting the convoy in sz 106, right?

    This may be done without provoking the US in either ruleset.

  • Just wanted to know…  What is the reasoning behind not being able to declare Bombardment ships and Sea battle ships in an amphibious assault?

    It seems kind of stupid to have Japan making just 1 Destroyer to stop 20 Battleship Bombardments does it not?

    If you fail the sea battle, the amphibious assault and bombardment ships would just automatically die right?  (getting sneaked attacked by the victorious sea battle enemy?)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Not sure of the “official” rationale but I can tell you that throughout the history of the game, you have not been permitted to both fight in the sea zone and on the land.  Since the infantry, artillery and armor (not sure why you would transport MI, but those too) did not engage in combat in the sea zone, they are permitted to engage in combat on the land after landing.  However, the sea zone is hostile and must be cleared if an enemy surface warship is present, and all units (theoretically including the transports who cannot attack or be taken as casualties before combat is resolved) you bring to the sea zone for the amphibious assault must engage the enemy ships and clear them before the transports can unload.

    I believe the rule book states something similar to that, I just cannot give you a page number off the top of my head.

  • If during your combat move you fly planes off of a carrier and if the planes are destroyed must the carrier still move into position to allow “dead” planes to land during the non combat move, or can the carrier stay put if it’s services are no longer required?

  • @Geoscal:

    If during your combat move you fly planes off of a carrier and if the planes are destroyed must the carrier still move into position to allow “dead” planes to land during the non combat move, or can the carrier stay put if it’s services are no longer required?

    The carrier is free to do whatever it wants.  Note that a carrier cannot be committed to more than 2 planes during the combat movement phase.  You have to assume all your planes will survive combat when counting fighters to carriers.  That is, you can’t send 3 fighters to a battle to be picked up by 1 carrier, even if it is extremely unlikely all 3 fighters will survive.

    But yes, if the fighters that the carrier needs to pick up get destroyed, the carrier is then free from picking them up and can even sail off in the opposite direction if desired.

  • Imagine 4 seazones, A-B-C-D (from left to right).

    Seazone A has a sub + carrier + fighter of power X.
    Seazone C has 20 battleships of power Y.
    Seazone D has 10 loaded transports of power Y.

    Now X uses the fighter to ‘attack’ the transports in D and says the fighter will land in seazone C with its last movement point. X also attacks the stack of battleships with the sub.

    Is this legal? And must X move the carrier to seazone C in the noncombat phase? After all, a fighter must have a theoretical legal landing spot and the carrier may not be moved elsewhere, right?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, it’s legal, because the fighter has a possible landing space.  Remember, the rules say that in order to determine a possible landing space, you may assume that all of your rolls will be hits and all of your opponent’s rolls will be misses.

    If by some miracle the sub defeats the battleships, the carrier must move to pick up the fighter.  In the more likely event that the sub loses, the carrier may not move to the sea zone, as the move would be illegal (the sea zone would remain hostile), so the fighter will have no place to land and will be lost.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Can China land it’s fighter in Kwangtung (Hon) or Burma (Bur), the 2 UK territories china is allowed to occupy, if UK is not yet at war with Japan, but China and UK are at war with Germany and Italy (effectively making them full allies)?

  • I have a further question on that fleet battle situation, would it be legal to retreat the attacking sub if it didn’t get hit, or are you forced to continue attacking to try and clear the sz and get the ftr a landing zone?

  • Official Q&A


    Can China land it’s fighter in Kwangtung (Hon) or Burma (Bur), the 2 UK territories china is allowed to occupy, if UK is not yet at war with Japan, but China and UK are at war with Germany and Italy (effectively making them full allies)?

    China may move units into those territories at any time, as both China and UK begin the game at war.


    I have a further question on that fleet battle situation, would it be legal to retreat the attacking sub if it didn’t get hit, or are you forced to continue attacking to try and clear the sz and get the ftr a landing zone?

    It may retreat.

  • In Global, if the US wants to move a ship from it’s harbour in SZ 10, through to 11, it matches up in the Atlantic in SZ64 does it not?
    If that ship; being that it set sail from a sea base, can move three, can it get through to SZ89? I.e. the Panama Canal can just be passed through?

    Also if two countries were not at war yet, say US and Japan, and the US had a surface ship in a SZ, could Japanese surface ships pass through that zone also, in non-combat, if they ended outside of that SZ?

    Lastly, in Chinese controlled Yunnan, there’s a US fighter that starts the game there. Is that controlled by the Chinese? So if the Japanese were to attack that territory, would it constitute a declaration of war with the US?

  • @firepower:

    In Global, if the US wants to move a ship from it’s harbour in SZ 10, through to 11, it matches up in the Atlantic in SZ64 does it not?

    See chart on page 32.  11 is adjacent to 64.  Yes, you can skate right through the Panama, so if you control Panama and WUS you can indeed go from 10 to 89 in one move.

    If that ship; being that it set sail from a sea base, can move three, can it get through to SZ89? I.e. the Panama Canal can just be passed through?


    Also if two countries were not at war yet, say US and Japan, and the US had a surface ship in a SZ, could Japanese surface ships pass through that zone also, in non-combat, if they ended outside of that SZ?

    When you are not yet at war, the other power’s ships are all non-hostile, or treated as “friendly”, so yes.

    Lastly, in Chinese controlled Yunnan, there’s a US fighter that starts the game there. Is that controlled by the Chinese? So if the Japanese were to attack that territory, would it constitute a declaration of war with the US?

    It just happens to be a US unit because they didn’t make a special piece.  It is 100% Chinese.  Moves with the Chinese, and is not considered American in any way, so no it has no DOW ramifications for the USA.

  • When you are not yet at war, the other power’s ships are all non-hostile, or treated as “friendly”, so yes.

    And what about a combat move through that same “friendly” sz?
    Could I declare a combat move passing  through it and out and still not be at war?

  • @firepower:

    When you are not yet at war, the other power’s ships are all non-hostile, or treated as “friendly”, so yes.

    And what about a combat move through that same “friendly” sz?
    Could I declare a combat move passing  through it and out and still not be at war?

    Yes, if the combat move is against a different power and you did not DOW on the power who has these ships in the zone you wish to pass through.

  • @gamerman01:


    When you are not yet at war, the other power’s ships are all non-hostile, or treated as “friendly”, so yes.

    And what about a combat move through that same “friendly” sz?
    Could I declare a combat move passing  through it and out and still not be at war?

    Yes, if the combat move is against a different power and you did not DOW on the power who has these ships in the zone you wish to pass through.

    You’re the best. Thanks!

  • Anytime, man

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