• I guess a better question is explain to me how the US couldn’t use the naval base in Gibraltar.  In your example you have US at war with Germ(hence why they can move into Morocco in the first place)  So US and UK are allies….

  • Sponsor


    I guess a better question is explain to me how the US couldn’t use the naval base in Gibraltar.  In your example you have US at war with Germ(hence why they can move into Morocco in the first place)  So US and UK are allies….

    I figure because the transports are operating on the African coast, they wouldn’t be able to use the naval base on the opposite coast.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I guess a better question is explain to me how the US couldn’t use the naval base in Gibraltar.  In your example you have US at war with Germ(hence why they can move into Morocco in the first place)  So US and UK are allies….

    I figure because the transports are operating on the African coast, they wouldn’t be able to use the naval base on the opposite coast.

    If that is the question, then you’re incorrect.  The naval base services all allied naval ships in the sea zone it is adjacent too (or more than one as the case may be.)  Just because you are collecting units on Morocco does not negate your use of the Gibraltar Naval Base just like picking up units in Korea does not negate use of the Japanese Naval Base.

  • Sponsor

    Ok, thanks for that.

  • Hello!


    1. Is sz 119 adjacent to sz 109? (Or do you really have to move through sz 118 and 108 to get from sz 119 to sz 109?)

    2. Is sz 118 adjacent to sz 109?


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Both 119 and 118 are adjacent to SZ 109 on the west coast of England

  • @Cmdr:

    Both 119 and 118 are adjacent to SZ 109 on the west coast of England


  • Probably answered several times before, apologies if so. If I buy surface ships in a country whereby the sea zone is occupied with enemy ships, can I still build there and do the ships have to fight when placed or in the other’s turn? Many thanks

  • @Admiral:

    Probably answered several times before, apologies if so. If I buy surface ships in a country whereby the sea zone is occupied with enemy ships, can I still build there and do the ships have to fight when placed or in the other’s turn? Many thanks

    You can always place in sea zones adjacent to your operable complexes, no matter what enemy units are in them.  You do not have a battle at that time - it is the mobilize units phase.

    During your enemy’s turn, they must decide to either leave or fight during their combat move phase.  This is one of the times when you may move during the combat move phase and the move does not result in combat - to move out of a zone with enemy surface warships.

    So yes you can build there, and no the ships do not have to fight when placed (nor can they).

  • Sponsor

    What happens to Japanese factories that China capures?

  • That is earlier in this thread or here in the FAQ;


  • Please specify the NO you are referring too, and if you are playing OOB or Alpha 2.  If Alpha 2 here is the link to all you need to know….pssst, print it out.


  • '22 '19 '18


    What happens to Japanese factories that China capures?

    They are destroyed.

  • Regarding sub vs. sub combat: The rulebook doesnt seem to be clear on the procedure for these kinds of battles. If my lone sub is attacked by another lone sub, does the defending sub get to choose to submerge before the attacker can conduct the surprise attack? Or do they both roll for the surprise attack, and then the defender can choose to submerge afterwards?


  • Official Q&A

    The defender may submerge immediately, before any shots are fired.

  • '10

    Sorry guys, but i can’t remember it :

    can a destroyer NCM into a seazone where there is an ennemy ss ?

  • @Axisplaya:

    Sorry guys, but i can’t remember it :

    can a destroyer NCM into a seazone where there is an ennemy ss ?

    Yes.  It takes an enemy surface warship to make a seazone hostile.

  • '10

    thank you.

  • Hi there, first post here, I hope this meets protocol.
    I have some Global Alpha +2 questions. Here goes:

    • Does SZ 125 affect exclusively Russia (can only be “attacked” by the Axis), or does it also affect Germany (through Norway) if “attacked” by the Allies. (Are convoys in general open to attack only by Axis?)

    • If Germany captures France (and therefore Paris) on G1, do they take France’s 19 starting IPCs?

    • In the Europe rules, when Russia is at war with Germany, they receive a bonus of 2 infantry in Novgorod during the Mobilize New Units phase. Does this bonus still apply in the Global Alpha 2+ ruleset, or has that been overwritten by the National Objectives?

    Thanks for any help.

  • @firepower:

    Hi there, first post here, I hope this meets protocol.
    I have some Global Alpha +2 questions. Here goes:

    • Does SZ 125 affect exclusively Russia (can only be “attacked” by the Axis), or does it also affect Germany (through Norway) if “attacked” by the Allies. (Are convoys in general open to attack only by Axis?)

    • If Germany captures France (and therefore Paris) on G1, do they take France’s 19 starting IPCs?

    • In the Europe rules, when Russia is at war with Germany, they receive a bonus of 2 infantry in Novgorod during the Mobilize New Units phase. Does this bonus still apply in the Global Alpha 2+ ruleset, or has that been overwritten by the National Objectives?

    Thanks for any help.

    Firepower!  Welcome to the boards.
    Convoys can be raided by anyone, including all Allies.  Z125 is special because any German warship in Z125 prevents the collection of the 5 IPC NO by Russia.

    (If Russia controls Norway, Russia would not only lose the 5 IPC NO but would lose up to 3 IPC’s to convoy raiding as well.  Note that the 3 IPC’s collected for the NO for controlling original German territories would NOT be disrupted.  NO’s are never disrupted by convoy raiding per se, although a ship in Z125 does stop an NO (think of this as distinct from the convoy.  It interrupts the NO whether there was a convoy symbol there or not).  Likewise, Allied surface warships in the Med disrupt the Italian NO, and German subs on the Europe boards outside of the Baltic, Caspian, or Mediterranean seas disrupt a UK NO.

    Germany does collect France’s starting 19 IPC’s.  Anytime you take a capital, you get all the cash on hand.  Note that China does not have a capital, and never loses their money.

    In Global, Russia does NOT get the 2 infantry.  That is indeed Europe only.

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