My review copy of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 has arrived

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Iceland might be useful for the allies.

  • Is there any way you could do close-ups of the French and Italian units?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Yes but not until later. Maybe Monday, maybe Tuesday.

  • @Clyde85:

    I think there’s a real trap that A&A game designs can fall into, when trying to represent historical situations. Alot of situations could have worked out differently had the commanders on the ground had the bridseye view we get in the game, they could have bettered exploited a situation. So, Malta is represented as it was in 1940, and only a total dope of an Italian commander wouldnt take advantage of the situation, cause he can clearly see what Britian has, which the real life commanders couldnt,

    Its tricky, trying to represent history while keeping the game fun and balanced.

    That’s why the ‘Fog of War’ (double-blind) variant is important. It keep the game exciting, allows both sides to make surprising plays… and horrible blunders.

  • thats what the dice are for

  • hey djensen, any chance of another preview soon? Possibly containing either political info or preferably national objective info?

  • Customizer

    Are my eyes deceiving me completely or have they called Stalingrad Volgograd?

  • I think your eyes are deciving you cuz i see stalingrad.

  • Customizer

    Ah, It looks like they’ve called the region Volgograd.

    Which is just as silly, as Volgograd is the modern (post 1960) name for Stalingrad, i.e. “town on the Volga”. It should’ve been called simply “Volga” region.

    It’s a bit like calling New York state “New Amsterdam”.

  • Pretty much. The region is volvograd but the VC is stalingrad.

  • Customizer

    Yuk!  They put northern England in Scotland, and called Southern England and Wales “United Kingdom”.  Sacrilege.

    No islands in the Indian Ocean? This seem paltry compared to the plague of little dots in the Pacific.

    And what the hell happened to north west India; you know, the modern Pakistan?  It seems to have been swallowed by Iran and Afghanistan.  That pesky Taliban…

    Romania’s heartland has been seized by Bulgaria, and the former now consists of little more than Moldavia.

    Why have “Belorussia” on the map at all if it isn’t where it, well, is.

    Is that Rio de Oro I espy, and if so why isn’t it Spanish?

  • @Flashman:

    Which is just as silly, as Volgograd is the modern (post 1960) name for Stalingrad, i.e. “town on the Volga”. It should’ve been called simply “Volga” region.

    There’s an old joke about this name change.  Sometime in the 1970s, an elderly veteran of the Red Army is interviewed as part of the annual May Day parade.  Asked to talk about the medals he wears, he points to some of them and says, “These decorations were awarded to me for my service in the great Battle of Volgograd, our heroic victory against the fascist invaders.  I’m especially proud of this particular one here – it was presented to me by Comrade Volgin himself!”

  • Is France a seperate player or is it American controlled? It would make sense to be British controlled.

  • it can be a seperate player or controlled by someone else. i think its classified as seprate though.

  • But from the looks of things it will probably be controlled by the American, since it shares the American box and America doesn’t go to war for the first few turns of the game while France is going to be out of the game after the first few turns.

  • David-
    Thanks for being THE SITE for all things Axis and Allies, both new and old and expanded! the pictures were great and a nice way to start my work week!
    Please post more as you find the time to do.
    Thoes426 :evil:

  • djensen, you have the made the waiting so much easier!

  • Looks awesome - but what’s the deal with the U.S. / sea zones not lining up on the maps… am I just imagining that?

  • Tereme I have started a topic about that - is called mega error with the global map.

  • Sorry if this has been answered already, but I had a couple of questions about the pictures of the map and playing pieces.  I noticed on the countersheet with national roundels the British have their normal air force roundels plus 2 Union Jack roundels that seem to be slightly larger.  What are those for?

    Also, on South America, just North of Brazil, there are 3 roundels on the map - one British, one French, and one that appears to be Czechoslovakian.  Is that supposed to be a Czech colony???

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