India will not have two “bumps”! So stop claiming that it will.
Proof? –-Take out your AAP40 map (if you do not have an AAP40 then go buy one) and closely look at India.
Now follow the India coastline to the back of the game board.
See how the coastline is still going southeast.
Depending on where the black backer paper is, you can see 5-6mm (1/4") of the AAE40 map.
On my game board I can see some of the boarder separating E. India from W. India.
Just like on the other edge of the same board is 5-6mm (1/4") of the other half of AAP40 map.
I can see—
—part of the"M" of Marianas (SeaZone 22),
— half of the “G” of New Guinea
— half of the “Q” of Queensland
— half of the “N” of New South Wales
The bottom of India on the AAP40 map is NOT the southern tip of India.
The coastline continues southeast a few millimeters on the AAE40 map before heading northeast.