Mmm… the Commonwealth status is ambiguous but I’m pretty sure that Hong Kong is integral part of China today (other stuff is the “one country, two systems”). And Tibet doesn’t qualify or we Spanish could yet claim that our empire has Athens, Neopatria, Sicilia or such (titles of current King of Spain, he has a long bunch but you can get the idea)
Good catch on Eire :-D
We could make the numbers … I think USSR at its peak was 22 millions of square kms. Mongol Empire had (a bit less or more) that plus China. That would make near to 30 millions square kms … and probably I’m missing Afganisthan and part of India
Canada+Australia+UK itself= about 20 millions
India -> 3 millions
It’s possible that african holdings had more than 10 millions, but you need include Canada, Australia and SAF to the count. The dominion status is tricky, take into account that when they got dominion status, many inland areas were not colonized yet
I’m not totally convinced yet. You need the dominions, and I could make such imaginative counting for Spanish Empire under Iberian Union (Felipe II-Felipe IV), because portuguese colonies in Africa had pretty unclear limits as well