• @oztea:

    gotta cook up a way to produce without your capital for countries like UK and Russia if moscow or london  falls

    Larry is right, its complicated….and its going to spawn 6 different versions of house rules to do essentaly the same thing

    Larrys rules wiil not do the same thing.

    The vichy terrtroies had to be fought over and the french fleet will be retained by the allies instead of what accually happend which was the UK attacked the french fleet.

    Its complietly ilogical and unhisotrical, you can say it works best for gameplay(which it dosnt, but you would have a better arguement) but their is no reason to say it has something to do with history.

  • the 6 versions of house rules will do the same thing as “eachother”, not the same thing as Larry’s rules, which will be ahistorical when it comes to France.

    Just had to clarify that.

    The various versions of house rules will adress the following to variying degrees

    Who gets the French territories after the fall of Paris? A neutral power? Germany, The Allies?
    What happens to the French Navy? Sinks? Axis? Allied?
    Will another Axis power be created when France falls? When is it’s turn?, does it have NOs?

    Larry’s treatment of the France issue is so bare bones that i STRONGLY SUSSPECT……no French units will be deployed outside of France…and the Axis will be able to quickly walk into Morocco Algeria, etc.

    Im also thinking France/US might go first in Europe, both starting with very little. France builds a last ditch defense force with it’s ~12 IPCs and the US builds some stuff.

  • Maybe when Larry playtests the game he will find a sensible solution to Vichy France.

  • I see, sorry.


    Im also thinking France/US might go first in Europe, both starting with very little. France builds a last ditch defense force with it’s ~12 IPCs and the US builds some stuff.

    But the US wont be active in france during the first turn, they will still be at peace.

    My prediction for the turn order in Europe is:

    Soviet Union
    United States
    United Kingdom

    … and in the Global game:
    Soviet Union
    United States
    United Kingdom

  • @Brain:

    Maybe when Larry playtests the game he will find a sensible solution to Vichy France.


  • Maybe their could be a bid for the remaining territories between Germany and the closest ally to the territories in question.

  • Rather than handing them over, Yes.

  • I dont think italy will go before UK
    that opens the can of worms of a two pronged attack on England by Germany then Italy

  • @oztea:

    I dont think italy will go before UK
    that opens the can of worms of a two pronged attack on England by Germany then Italy

    How does this affect France?

  • They will become Germans…

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