The reason I threw this post out there was to see if anyone had tried it or would have the chance to play test it before I could. What I was looking for was to see if anyone had a solid US strategy.
Japan can pretty much do anything it pleases and win. J1 attack may speed up the process, but the inevitable results will be the same with a competent J player.
Sending the J fleet to Wake allows the US to build a CV T1 and land the planes from HI on it, and then turtle up on the west coast. They may temporarily seed HI to J, but once they catch the turn 2 paycheck, it will be a cold day for J to take on the US in her own front yard. Not to mention the fact that if the J fleet is in north pacific, UK buys a CV T1, a Trns T2 and then runs a muck in the DEI with the ANZACers. How do I know this? It’s what I did to Kaufschtick when he tried it on me f2f last week. It is two of the few allied wins we’ve seen. We tried it twice.
I’m curious. When you allowed J to take Hawaii, how many fighters did Japan move there the following turn? Was it late enought in the game that the US was able to counter right away? With the scrambling rules, very tough to take it back if Japan has like 12 planes on HI. Also, after taking Hawaii, did Japan go after Sydney or Calcutta?
Oh, and I station Japanese fleet on Midway, rather than Wake. With a Naval base it is within striking distance of Western US. Best counter is to turn turtle, build SS’s, a few DD’s, bombers and stack fighters on HI until the counter attack is ready.
Problem is, by the time the counter is ready UK and China are no more.